




1.向四面八方逃跑 19 run in all directions 向四面八方逃跑 20 run out of the shopping center 跑出购物中心 ...

2.四处逃散 7. run out of 从...里跑出来 8. run in all directions 四处逃散 10. pieces of glass 玻璃片 ...

3.向四处跑去 ... 8 run in all directions 向四处跑去 9 try one’s best to do sth. 尽某人最大的努力干某事 ...

4.四处奔逃 ... 11惊恐地相互看着 look at each other in fear 12四处奔逃 run in all directions 13发疯似地跑着 run wildly ...

5.到处奔跑 10.the real noise 真正的声响 11.run in all directions 到处奔跑 1.mop up 把…拖干 ...

6.四处奔跑 ... In fear 惊恐地 Run in all directions 四处奔跑 Calm down 冷静下来 ...

7.奔向四面八方 Scream v. 尖叫 run in all directions 奔向四面八方 run wildly 疯狂地奔跑 ...

8.向四处奔跑 ... 1).惊恐地,害怕地 in fear 2).向四处奔跑 run in all directions 3).该去哪 where to go ...


1.When people in the room heard someone crying "Fire! Fire! " they were seized by panic and began to run in all directions.当屋子里的人听到有人喊“起火啦!起火啦!”时,他们惊慌失措,四处逃散。