




1.臭脚 ... - Smell smelly,tastes tasty. 闻着臭,吃着香。 - smelly feet 臭脚 ...

2.臭脚丫 ... 65.Lucky Rain 幸运雨 66.Smelly Feet 臭脚丫 67.Silly Songs 无聊的歌 ...

3.臭腿 ... bandy legs O 形腿 smelly feet 臭腿 gallous look 凶相 ...

4.臭臭的脚 ... 10. It’s Bathtime 该洗澡了 11. Smelly Feet 臭臭的脚 12. Scrub, Scrub, Scrub! 洗澡澡 ...

5.足部特写与气味 3、残忍践踏( Extreme Crush) 4、足部特写与气味Smelly Feet) 5、入阴与吞食( Unbirth & Vore) ...


1.a boy with particularly smelly feet that did not seem to benefit from daily showers cheerfully put up with the name Stink.男孩的双脚特别臭,天天冲澡都无济于事,但他依旧欢欢喜喜地忍受着“恶臭”这个名字。

2.He took off his shoes, get out of his smelly feet, it was a pair feet thick was worse, no beauty at all!他脱下鞋子,拿出了他得臭脚,那是一双粗糟得脚,毫无美感可言!

3.The main cause of smelly feet is sweat which, although it has no odour in itself, creates an environment for bacterial growth.脚气的主要产生因素是汗水,尽管汗水本身没有恶臭,但它营造了细菌生长的环境。

4.And I want to ask you why do people make up weird names pke hot dog or runny nose, or even smelly feet?我想问你为什么人们会取一些很怪的名字,像“热狗”,“鼻涕虫”甚至“香港脚”?

5.No, you see the water, turbidity is artificial, smelly feet, visitors washed.不,你见过的是人工湖的水,浑浊、发臭、游人洗过脚的。

6.many don't bite humans, preferring other species. Then finally, you're more pkely to get bitten if you have smelly feet.许多蚊子种类并不咬人,而会叮咬其它物种。最后,如果你有脚臭,你被叮咬的机会可能更大。

7.Smelly feet are definitely gross as far as I'm concerned.臭脚可真恶心人,至少我是这么认为的。

8.I can't stick her smelly feet and breath.我受不了她的臭脚和她的口臭。

9.Trick or treat, smelly feet, give me something good to eat!不给糖,就捣蛋,臭脚丫,好吃的东西我要拿!