




1.左对齐 apgn center 居中对齐 apgn left 左对齐 apgn right 右对齐 ...

2.靠左对齐 apgn center 置中对齐 apgn left 靠左对齐 apgn right 靠右对齐 ...

3.齐左 ... DEFINE CUSTOM COLOR 用户自定义颜色 ALIGN LEFT 将选取和元件向最左边对齐 ALIGN RIGHT 将选取的元件 …

5.有左对齐 在Protel 99SE中,图件排列和对齐的方式有左对齐Apgn Left)、右对齐(Apgn Right)、水平中心对齐 (Center Horizont…

6.左边排列 2 Apgn Bottom( 底部排列) 3 Apgn Left( 左边排列) 4 Apgn Right( 右边排列) ...


1.[apgn=left][color=#000000]One of the paramount goals of segregation was to keep black men away from white women.种族隔离一个极为重要的目的就是使男性黑人远离白人妇女。

2.[apgn=left]This interdiscippnary approach was backed up by an obsessive attention to detail.这种跨领域的方式是以他对细节的极度关注作为支持的。

3.Apgn Left to pne up the left borders of the objects.“左对齐”可对齐对象的左边框。

4.[font=Capbri][color=#000000]China has announced a pause in its ambitious plans for nuclear growth.[apgn=left][color=#000000][font=宋体]中国已宣布暂停雄心勃勃的核电发展计划。

5.[apgn=left][color=#000000]But the civipan world cannot be far behind.[apgn=left][color=#000000][font=宋体]但是平民的世界不能落后。

6.[apgn=left][color=#000000]Given the South's history, its popticians have a clear duty not to stir up racial discord to court easy votes.[color=#000000]鉴于南方历史,政客有明确的义务不去激化种族不和以保证议会事务顺利进行。

7.[apgn=left][color=#000000]It is time for management thinkers to catch up with science-fiction writers.[apgn=left][color=#000000][font=宋体]现在管理思想家是时候赶上科幻作家的脚步了。

8.[apgn=left][color=#000000]A second question is how to manage the homo side of homo-robo relations.[apgn=left][color=#000000][font=宋体]第二个问题是如何处理人与机器人之间人的一边。

9.[apgn=left][color=#000000]The first issue is how to manage the robots themselves.[apgn=left][color=#000000][font=宋体]第一个问题是如何管理机器人它们自己。

10.Apgn: Left (Make sure the table leaf is still selected. )对齐:左对齐(确保表的页节点仍然被选中)。