




1.拥有权势 ... 1.Be Gay1. 做个同志 2.Be Powerful2. 拥有权势 ...

2.力强单一诉求(Be single-mind);二、表现力强Be powerful);三、良好结果(Get results)。


1.If this were just a fancy new tool in the Semantic Web toolbox, it would be powerful, but perhaps not as urgently relevant.如果这仅仅是语义网工具箱里的一个花哨的新工具,那么即便它颇具威力,它也不是人们急切需要的。

2.This approach can require more planning and just as much reporting as any other story, but the results can be powerful.这种形式往往要求事先有更多筹画,报道工作量丝毫不亚于其他形式,但它的效果很强。

3.e. g. No, I mean, you know, cabernets can be powerful and exalting too, but they seem prosaic to me, for some reason, by comparison.我是说,你知道,解百衲葡萄酒也能很强健,喝起来飘飘欲仙,但它们对我来说太平凡了,因为某种原因,相对而言。

4.A "gravitational lens" of this type could be powerful enough to map the continents and oceans of a planet in a distant star system.此类“引力透镜”的放大倍数可能足以映现遥远星系中一颗行星的大陆和海洋。

5.He sought to organize his alpes and recruits into a coaption which might be powerful enough to move Congress to action.他寻求将自己已有的盟友和新成员整合成为有足够力量促使国会采取行动的联盟。

6.He wanted to make a demonstration that would be powerful enough to make people reapze that alcohol was injurious to their health.他想做一个强有力的证明,来使人们相信酒精对他们的健康是有害的。

7.Men have to be powerful enough to save the hope of your loved.男人必须足够强大,才有能力带给你所爱的人希望。

8.Sometimes, a picture can be powerful enough to be inspirational material all by itself.有时候,一幅图片是如此给力,处处释放出灵感的火花。

9.Seems to be powerful, chicken disease to people, people die!好像很厉害,鸡的病传染给了人,有人死了!

10.This type of happiness can be powerful and positive but it has not been the focus of research.他说道,“这种的快乐也可能是很有力而且积极的,不过这并不是这项研究的重点。”