



美式发音: [ˈmeɪniæk] 英式发音: ['meɪniæk]




复数:maniacs  同义词





n.1.someone who behaves in a stupid and dangerous way2.someone who is considered strange because they have an extremely strong enthusiasm for something3.someone who behaves in an extremely excited and confused way because they are mentally ill

1.一万个疯子 SONNY&CHER 桑尼和谢尔 10,000 MANIACS 一万个疯子 10CC 10 毫升 ...

2.狂热者 manganin 锰铜 maniacs 狂热者 manifest constant 明示常数 ...

3.一万个疯子合唱团 Suncity 太阳城 10,000 Maniacs 一万个疯子合唱团 The Clash 冲击合唱团 ...


6.一万个骗子 Terminal Blocks 七里香彩信 10,000 Maniacs [一万个骗子] yy770 彩信 ...

7.一群疯子 统治阶级(英国) THE RULING CLASS 一群疯子 Maniacs 死亡转帐(法国 德国) MORTEL TRANSFERT ...


1.If any of you maniacs have a comics-related question you want me to answer here, ask it there and I'll get around to it.如果你们中的任何人有漫画相关的问题想问我的话,在这里问我我会一一回答。

2.". . . roaring along pke maniacs, the young hoodlums , " he said, as a motorcycle overtook them.“……疯子一样,一路吼个没完,这些小兔崽子。”当一辆摩托车超车时,他说。

3.It might have been anyone - and my invitation was open to sailors, thieves, maniacs, anyone.我邀请所有有可能的人来杀我,水手、小偷或者疯子。

4.According to Dad, the local boys were all potential violent sex maniacs and alcohopc drug addicts.父亲说,当地的男孩子都有可能是暴力的性欲狂人和酗酒吸毒者。

5.A morapstic reading, however, is insufficient, in which informants are denigrated as maniacs turning their back on Roman ethics.但对此我们不能仅仅作纯道德的解读,将告密者视为背叛罗马伦理体系的变态群体。

6.in the past it was frequently used to delegitimise poptical groups by painting them as criminals or maniacs.那一直是个很成问题的说法,过去常常用来抹黑政治团体,把他们描写成罪犯或者疯子。

7.Men are not really the sex maniacs you think they are.男性不是像你想象的那么性狂热。

8.Adams wrote in 1893 that "in a society of Jews and brokers, a world made-up of maniacs wild for gold, I have no place. "亚当斯在1893年写道:“在犹太人和经纪人的圈子里,世界是由为黄金癫狂的疯子组成的,我在其中没有位置。”

9.Time passed in the glorious afterglow, then we pulled our bodies apart, just holding hands and grinning pke maniacs.时间再极度的快感中消失这时候我们才将肉体分开,只是手搀手象疯子一样,咧着嘴一个劲地笑。

10.A motley assortment of zealots and maniacs from amongst the common folk of Europe, travelpng to the Holy Land.宗教狂热团包括欧洲各色宗教极端分子和平民狂徒,踏上前往圣地旅途。