




1.小怪兽呗哩和电视狗0213 ... only best 唯一最好 only friend 唯一的朋友 only best friend 唯一最好的朋友 ...

3.还是朋友 海阔天空 A Whole New World 还是朋友 Only Friend 驻足回首 Look back 6/12/2009 ...


1.it was as if he were now the only friend she had on earth . the next morning drouet was interested again , but the damage had been done.第二天早上杜洛埃对她排演的事又感兴趣起来,可是已经为时太晚,他的损失无法挽回了。

2.His only friend is dead, his love has long gone with the wind - no, he did not even know they have not had love.他唯一的朋友已经死了,他的爱情也早已随风逝去――不,他甚至不知道自己有没有过爱情。

3.He prowls the empty rooms of the house at night, thinking of the death of his wife, who was the only friend of his, heart pierced bitterly.夜里,他在家中的空屋里踱来踱去。一想到唯一可以陪他说话解闷的妻子已经死去,就心如刀割。

4.She was my most special friend. My only friend. We were together all the time, we were pke peas and carrots, Jenny and I.他是我最特别的朋友。我的唯一朋友,我们一直在一起,我们喜欢豌豆和萝卜,我和珍妮。

5.she was the first, the only, friend we told.她是我们所告诉的第一位,也是唯一的一位朋友。

6.Oh my only friend, my best beloved, the gates are open in my house -- do not pass by pke a dream.呵,我唯一的朋友,我最爱的人,我的家门是开着的——不要梦一般地走罢。

7.Bill Munny: You don't have to worry, Kid. I ain't gonna kill you. You're the only friend I got.芒尼:别担心,孩子。我不会杀你。我就你这麽一个朋友了。

8.Saori was the only friend Mayo could really tell anything to.纱织是真夜唯一的可以向之倾诉一切的朋友。

9.As I sit in this smokey room, the night about to end, I pass my time with strangers but this bottle's my only friend.我坐在吸烟室里,与陌生人一起,度过漫漫长夜,只有酒是我唯一的朋友。

10.You don have to worry, Kid. I ain gonna kill you. You e the only friend I got.别担心,孩子。我不会杀你。我就你这么一个朋友了。