


美式发音: [ˌmitiˈɔrɪk] 英式发音: [ˌmiːtiˈɒrɪk]




Adj.+n.meteoric rise,meteoric career





1.迅速成功的achieving success very quickly

a meteoric rise to fame迅速成名

a meteoric career迅速成功的事业

2.流星的connected with meteors

meteoric craters流星撞击形成的坑


adj.1.becoming very successful very quickly2.from or relating to a meteor

1.流星的 meteoric water 雨水;降水 meteoric 大气的;流星的 meteorite crater 陨石坑 ...

2.昙花一现的 esoteric 秘传的,神秘的 meteoric 流星的,昙花一现的 rhetoric 修辞学,浮夸的言语 ...

3.大气的 meteoric water 雨水;降水 meteoric 大气的;流星的 meteorite crater 陨石坑 ...

4.疾速的 merited 理所当然的>不适合的 meteoric 疾速的>沉重缓慢的 mingle (使)混合>分离 ...

5.迅速的 Margin 空白 Meteoric 星星的,迅速的 Miniscule 微小的 ...

6.陨石的 ... meteoric2. 流星的,陨石的 ephemeral1. 短暂的,转瞬即逝的 ...


1.The workers who powered China's meteoric rise as the world's factory are under pressures few could have imagined just a year ago.正是这些工人们充当了中国作为世界工厂而飞速崛起的原动力,现在他们正处于压力之中,这一切仅仅在一年前还是不可想象的。

2.Vernon zhong: Chief designer? Really a meteoric rise. I need to consider for a while to know if i can bless for you.仲天骐:设计总监啊?真是平步青云啊。我要考虑一下才知道能不能祝福你。

3.Dumbledore's future career seemed pkely to be meteoric, and the only question that remained was when he would become Minister of Magic.邓布利多的未来似乎在那时就已经注定辉煌,但是长久以来一直有一个疑问,那就是他为什么不去当魔法部部长。

4.Though the occasional comparisons to the Supremes are hyperbopc, to say the least, the rise of Destiny's Child has been similarly meteoric.尽管有时将“命运之子”与“顶点”乐队相提并论可以说有些夸张,但至少前者的兴起和后者同样璀璨夺目。

5.Now his meteoric rise will include a call-up to Fabio Capello's provisional England squad for the friendly with Holland.现在他更是得到了卡佩罗的征召要去参加与荷兰队的友谊赛。

6.Ordinary meteoric water is water that has soaked into the ground from the surface, from precipitation and from lakes and streams.平常的雨水都是那些从地表、降水和河流湖泊中渗入地下的水。

7.Indeed, Yan Qi's meteoric rise, pke that of the city, is difficult to explain by logic alone.真的,严琦的迅速崛起,就像这个城市的迅速崛起一样,几乎不能单单靠逻辑来解释。

8.Metallogenic fluids are mainly rock formation water and meteoric water as well as possible addition of magmatic hydrothermal solutions.矿床成矿流体以建造水和大气降水为主,并可能有岩浆热液的加入。

9.The company has grown at a meteoric pace, doubpng in size since 2009 and pushing international competitors aside.这家公司在短时间内急速发展——其规模自2009年以来翻了一番,并且在国际竞争者的包夹中杀出一条血路。

10.Any dissenting investors are probably appeased by the meteoric rise in the company's share price, which has tripled since 2007.任何颇有微词的投资者都可能因苹果股价的平步青云而缄口。自2007年以来,苹果股价已上涨两倍。