

tuition:[英 [tjuˈɪʃn] 美 [tuˈɪʃn] ]


tuition 基本解释


名词学费; 教学,讲授

tuition 相关例句


1. His yearly tuition is $15,000.


2. Her father had decided she ought to have private tuition.


tuition 网络解释

1. tuition

1. 学费:学校鼓勵正向的思考,強調自律,加強領導能力,並強週負責任的行為. 学校老師及家長幫助學生產生自信,引導他们挖掘自身的潛能,为学生投入社会、建立成功生活打下坚实的基础. 年级(Grade) 学费(Tuition) 注册费 总计

2. 上学费用:Fees(杂费):除上学费用(tuition)外,学院对帮助各项效劳的收费. Fellowship(硕士生求知奖励或研究基金):通常向硕士生帮助的求知奖励或研究基金. Final:期终做卷子或课程终结做卷子. Financial Aid(财政资助):泛指向国际学生帮助的各种资金、贷款、部份时间任务.

3. 教学:第 种互动是学习者与老师的互教学知识:教学(Tuition)指的是特定的 对特定的学习者利用 些已经准备好教材给正以符合本研究的情境,共有 个题项,衡量尺度采用克特 (Likert)七点尺度,各题分别的教学技巧量表,共有 个题项,

tuition 双语例句

1. Tuition includes Transportation, Field Trip, Tickets and Performance fee.

至周五早上10:00am – 6:00pm 的上课及教材费用,交通费,政管费,郊游活动

2. I also ask for refunding my tuition, and I hope it is not too late to refund all tuition.


3. Page 10 of the brochure lists tuition (including typical incidental fees), residence costs, health insurance fees and an estimate for textbooks.


4. They are actually using government loans to pay off their college tuition.


5. I have no income and Ihave to pay my tuition. I am the poorest of the poor.


6. They say that most graduates recoup the cost of the tuition within four months.


7. For example, it guarantees them the same tuition rate for all four years of undergraduate study.


8. For example, it guarantees them the same tuition rate for all 4 years of undergraduate study.


9. If my application is approved of, I agree to pay the tuition according to the new tuition information.


10. I will agree to the result of the application. I will pay the tuition according to the new tuition information if changed.


11. tuition

11. The development of new teachers` tuition fee have three phases normally. It can accelerate the health development in all aspects of new teachers that we use the homologized measures to estimate their tuition fee in three phases.

摘 要:新教师的课堂教学发展过程一般可分为三个阶段,在三个不同阶段采取与之相适应的课堂教学评价方法进行科学的教学评价,有利于新教师的全面健康发展。

12. tuition

12. If you will need reduced tuition, please let us know as soon as possible.


13. Miss li: I know your family, so I have told the headmaster all the things about you, They have agreed to free the tuition..


14. In some cases, tuition is reduced or subsidized.


15. The tuition here is much lower than the expense of the services the centre provides to the students.


16. tuition在线翻译

16. A 10% tuition discount applies to additional children from the same family.


17. All are less fit (and Bu Wangfei I spent several thousand college tuition) I would like to thank my friend!

哈哈 !一切的都是那么的适合(也不枉费我大学花费的几大万学费)我在这里感谢我的朋友!

18. Daughter, Cai Yuxin:I don't want to change schools because all my friends are here, but I also worry that if my mother pays for my tuition we won't have anything to eat at home.


19. B: It`s the tuition fee.


20. Of the one-time commission of 50% of the first month tuition fee from you.


tuition 词典解释

1. 讲授;教学;指导

If you are given tuition in a particular subject, you are taught about that subject.


e.g. The courses will give the beginner personal tuition in all types of outdoor photography.


2. (尤指大专院校或私立学校的)学费

You can use tuition to refer to the amount of money that you have to pay for being taught particular subjects, especially in a university, college, or private school.

e.g. Angela's $7,000 tuition at University this year will be paid for with scholarships.

安杰拉将用奖学金支付今年 7,000 美元的大学学费。

tuition 单语例句

1. Starting a business would put his parents'mind at ease that he will not end up jobless after three years of tuition payments.

2. Many of his classmates take seven or eight tuition classes at weekends, and his parents are too busy to spend any time with him.

3. The capital was from a scholarship and money given by his parents to pay his tuition.

4. A kindergarten that offered a " crash course " to help students get into catholic schools has promised to refund tuition fees paid for the course.

5. A kindergarten principal Ada Mak feared that tuition fees might be increased after the introduction of the scheme.

6. The monk does not charge tuition fees and gives free lodging and meals to poor students.

7. Students may apply for the additional scholarships to pay for their tuition and living expenses.

8. The decree also says that the municipal government will pay the tuition for civil servants willing to earn a diploma in their spare time.

9. The government can close down all the private tuition centers, but even then some mothers would be sending their children for private tuition secretly.

10. In October the coalition detailed its plans to triple tuition fees for university students, overhaul the welfare system and make big reductions across all government departments.

tuition 英英释义


1. teaching pupils individually (usually by a tutor hired privately)

Synonym: tutelagetutorship

2. a fee paid for instruction (especially for higher education)

e.g. tuition and room and board were more than $25,000

Synonym: tuition fee