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网络释义:类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis);类风湿性关节炎;镭(radium)




na.1.[Chemistry]Same as radium

1.类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis)表面质量的主要及最重要指标,下一代计算机磁头将要求表面粗糙度Ra)<0.2 nm;硬盘基片将要求表面平均波纹度 (Wa…


6.拉在Ra)把他的族群从亚特兰蒂斯带到埃及之后,龙也是这个族群的一部分,也移动到了非洲,并定居在马拉维。他们携带 …


1.The ship may have symbopzed the solar journey of the deceased king with the gods, particularly the sun-god Ra.该船可能象征着太阳的旅程死者国王的神,特别是太阳神拉。

2.Norman Rosenthal, exhibitions secretary of the RA, insisted there was no reason to question the authenticity of the statues or of the dig.皇家学院的展览秘书NORMANROSENTHAL坚称没有任何理由质疑雕像或此次挖掘的真实性。

3.Results: The bacterial epminating ra te and drug resistance of the active group were superior to that of the control group.结果:研究组的细菌清除率和耐药性均优于对照组;

4.However, muscle wasting in RA is "usually accompanied by a concomitant increase in body fat , the so-called 'cachetic obesity. "然而,在类风湿关节炎中的肌肉萎缩是“通常伴随着身体脂肪的增加,所谓的‘恶性肥胖’。”

5.The Aryan scientist debunked the claim. Some of the Atla-Ra were threatened and removed, others began to mysteriously disappear.但雅利安科学家驳斥这一说法,一些ATLA-RA受威胁并被免职,其他则开始神秘地消失。

6.As if that weren't enough, Barry also incited his RA students to revolt and then allegedly accused Reynolds of financial impropriety.似乎这还不够,巴里还鼓动他在皇家美术学院的学生造反,而且据说后来甚至指控雷诺兹在财政上存在违法问题。

7.Currently, many rheumatologists wish to see patients with early RA at the first available opportunity.当前,许多关节炎医师希望看患者与早期的镭在第一可利用的机会。

8.It is presumed that this solar boat would allow the dead Pharaohs to assist sun-god Ra in his eternal battle with Apep, demon of darkness.据推测,这太阳船可以让死去的法老协助太阳神Ra与黑暗魔王Apep进入永恒的战斗。

9.To begin with, the RA issues each request with a unique request ID and does not wait for a response on the same execution call.首先,RA用惟一的请求ID发出每个请求,不等待同一执行调用的响应。

10.Due to the question of U-Ra balance, its scale and reserves was discounted sharply.因对铀镭平衡研究的欠缺,导致矿床规模、储量锐减。