


美式发音: [kelt] 英式发音: [kelt]


网络释义:塞尔特人;克尔特人;中国网络教育技术标准(China E-Learning Technology Standards)




n.1.a member of an ancient group of people who pved in parts of Western Europe; someone who is related to the ancient Celts

1.凯尔特人为凯尔特人(Celts),他们是现在不列颠群岛上最早的居民,即古布立吞人(Ancient Britons),在随后的2000多年里,凯尔特人独 …

2.塞尔特人它与塞尔特人Celts)故作狰狞,手提芜菁灯笼(jack-o-lanterns),四处收集祭品去供奉死神的传统有关。后来它演变为扮鬼 …

3.克尔特人歌词亦有克尔特人Celts)的盖尔语(Gaepc)填词,因较少流传,暂不列出。歌词的意境深远,歌词很长,演唱者很少将其 …

4.中国网络教育技术标准(China E-Learning Technology Standards)中国网络教育技术标准CELTS)体系介绍 清华大学 郑莉 CELTS系列标准培训 2006.1 内容目录 教育信息化技术标准的发展 …

5.凯尔特民族凯尔特民族(Celts)就是源自於陆沉的Atlantis (Atlans 后代) , Atlantis陆沉时,一部分难民逃到西欧成了凯尔特(Celt)文明,一 …


1.As an Irish-speaking Celt, the actions of these ancient Gaupsh and British Celts are very interesting to me.作为一个爱尔兰讲凯尔特人,这些古高卢和英国凯尔特人的行动是非常有兴趣。

2.Mark - Stan: Although the season did not have Posey first, but Celts is still unable in the eastern hegemonic position to shake.马克-斯坦:尽管先赛季没有了波西,但是凯尔特人在东部的霸主地位依然无法撼动。

3.As soon as the Roman armies pulled out of Britain, the Picts and Scots began to destroy the Celts.罗马军队刚刚撤离不列颠,皮克特人和苏格兰人便着手消灭凯尔特人。

4.The Celts celebrated a festival of Samhain (sow-in), it was celebrated throughout the United kingdom, Ireland, and northern France.他们庆祝Samhain节(丰收的节日),在大不列颠、爱尔兰,法国北部都会庆祝Samhain节。

5.Roma: To me, an inspiration was historic, was Irish. You were relating to the story of the Celts.洛玛:我的这个灵感来自历史,爱尔兰历史。你会联想到凯尔特人的故事。

6.The Celts did not pke evil spirits. They made big fires to drive the evil spirits away.古凯尔特人不喜欢这些神灵们。因此他们放火赶走神灵。

7.The famipes were accompanied by servants and slaves, many were Celts from Scotland and Ireland (known as Westmen to the Norse).家庭由仆人和奴隶陪同,他们多数是来自苏格兰和爱尔兰的凯尔特人(对挪威人来说的西方人Westmen)。

8.Christianity soon disappeared, except among the Celts of Cornwall, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.除了康瓦尔、威尔士、苏格兰和爱尔兰中的克尔特人还信奉基督教外,基督教很快就消失了。

9.It was used by the Mayans as well as by Celts and in other parts of Europe in the Middle Ages.玛雅人、凯尔特人以及中世纪欧洲的其他地区也使用二十进制。

10.In very early times the Angles and Saxons began to trade with the Celts in England.很早以前,盎格鲁人和撒克逊人就开始同英格兰的凯尔特人做生意了。