




1.茨城县 ... 埼玉县久喜市( Saitama Prefecture) 茨城工厂( Ibaraki Prefecture) 宫城县多贺城市( Miyagi Prefecture) ...

4.日本茨城县 埼玉县久喜市( Saitama Prefecture) 茨城县那珂市茨城工厂( Ibaraki Prefecture) 宫城县多贺城市( Miyagi Prefecture) ...


1.Less than 100 kilometers from the Fukushima nuclear power plant Hitachi City, Ibaraki Prefecture, is one of Hitachi's production base.距离福岛核电站不到100公里的茨城县日立市,是日立公司的生产基地之一。

2.It was also Ibaraki Prefecture, said nuclear power plants within the county does not appear unusual.另据茨城县称,该县境内的核电站未出现异常情况。

3.Rune, who is divorced, generally gets two days off a week, when he travels to nearby Ibaraki prefecture to see his sons.有吉一般每周有两天休息日,那时候已经离婚的他会赶去邻近的茨城县看望他的儿子们。

4.Japan is now halting the sale of raw milk from Fukushima prefecture and spinach from Ibaraki prefecture.日本目前停止了福岛县的原料奶以及茨城县菠菜的销售。

5.Production at Hitachi's Sawa automotive-systems plant in Ibaraki Prefecture has been stopped since the day of the quake, March 11.日立旗下位于日本茨城县的Sawa汽车系统厂自3月11日地震发生以来一直处于停产状态。

6.Fukushima prefecture about 20 milpon households a total blackout, Ibaraki Prefecture as well as some areas were without power.福岛县内共有约20万户家庭停电,茨城县也有部分地区停电。

7.Japan Meteorological Agency seismic velocity reported that the earthquake is located in southern Ibaraki Prefecture, 70 km source.日本气象厅的地震速报称,地震位于茨城县南部地区,震源70公里。

8.Fukushima Prefecture and the Japan Meteorological Agency has issued a tsunami warning, Ibaraki Prefecture.日本气象厅已向福岛县以及茨城县发布海啸警报。

9.It is reported that nuclear power plant in Miyagi Prefecture and Ibaraki Prefecture Onagawa nuclear power plants are not unusual.据悉,宫城县的女川核电站和茨城县内的核电站也未出现异常。

10.The highway company restored the 150-meter section of the highway pnking Tokyo and the quake-damaged Ibaraki prefecture in six days.公路公司用了6天时间修复了这一段150米长的公路。这条公路连接东京和遭受地震破坏的茨城县。