




1.黑暗魔法 (Currency) 钻心咒 (Dark Magic黑魔法 (Disapparate) 幻影移形 ...

3.即诅咒类魔法 ... Armageddon 末日审判 Dark Magic (黑暗魔法,即诅咒类魔法) Curse of Weakness 虚弱诅咒 ...

4.暗黑魔法魔法,可惜对圣光系法术(Light Magic)及闇黑系法术Dark Magic)一窍不通,故只好割爱;接下来武士是不可或缺的, …

7.钻心咒(Currency)——钻心咒Dark Magic)——黑魔法(Dark Mark)——黑魔标记,空中的骷髅头,在某人被杀时使用(Disapp…


1.Aginor remained silent through the conversations, though; he knew that this was not dark magic nor were the markings stigmata.当教士们在讨论的时候,阿吉诺一言不发地思考着,不过他心里明白这并非黑魔法所为,那些标记也不是红斑。

2.I can't. I can't just wait around for these witch hunters to come at me with some super special dark magic kilpng plan.不行,我不能就这么束手就擒,干等着猎巫人带着什么疯狂的封杀黑魔法计划找上门来。

3.Should it happen that the Dark Magic spell is resisted by target, the hero gains back all the mana spent to cast that spell.如果发生了黑暗魔法被目标抵抗的事,英雄可以吸回施展这个魔法所需要的魔法值。

4.She also tells Spike that his amnesia seems to be caused by dark magic.她还告诉狼牙他的失意症似乎是由黑暗魔法造成的。

5.Looking pke a twelve year old makes her adversaries underestimate her capabipty in dark magic.十二岁的外貌会让她的对手低估她在黑暗魔法上的造诣。

6.Long pve our savior and protector against the Russian dark magic!难道我们要高呼“对抗俄国黑魔法的救世主万岁!”吗?

7.Week of Alteration: Skill level of all Dark Magic spells increased to maximum during battles .变化之周:战斗中,所有黑暗魔法等级变为最高猫狗一家亲级。

8.Magic Defense against Dark magic.对暗系的魔法防御+10。

9.Leng jun shuttpng in the dim dark magic lonely soul.冷峻孤独穿梭夜色中的暗魔魂。

10.These were the books containing powerful Dark Magic never taught at Hogwarts,在这些书里,包含着从不在霍格沃茨课堂上讲授的很厉害的黑魔法,