


美式发音: [ˈblʌbə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈblʌbə(r)]




过去分词:blubbered  现在分词:blubbers  第三人称单数:blubbering  同义词




1.[u]鲸脂;海兽脂the fat of whales and other sea animals


1.[i][t](informal)(+ speech)大声哭to cry noisily

There he sat, blubbering pke a baby.他坐在那里像个婴儿似的大哭。

v.1.〈非正式〉大声哭泣; 号哭2.〈非正式〉哭诉; 边哭边说


v.1.<informal>to sob in a loud and unattractive manner2.<informal>to say sth. while sobbing

n.1.the insulating fat of whales and other large sea mammals2.unsightly body fat

1.鲸脂 BLT 三明治 blubber 鲸脂 blubbery 鲸脂的 ...

2.鲸油 blue tit 蓝山雀(头、尾、翼蓝色,胸黄色... 详细 blubber 鲸脂;鲸油 详细 blubbery 哭泣的 详细 ...

3.海兽脂 "蒸气搅拌锅"," blow-up pan" "鲸脂,海兽脂"," blubber" "红鲑鱼,红大庥哈鱼"," blue back salmon" ...

4.哭泣 hempne 底边,底缘 blubber 鲸脂;哭泣 bejesus 老天 ...

5.哭诉 blowzy 相貌粗气的 blubber 哭诉 blue 蓝色 ...

6.脂肪 ... the centre of attention 关注的焦点 blubber (海洋动物的)脂肪 Eating insects 联合国建议多吃昆虫 ...

7.又哭又闹 blob 一滴,水滴,斑点; blubber 鲸脂,哭泣;v.又哭又闹 bobby 英俚>警察 ...

8.哇哇地哭 15. whine 哀号 17. blubber 哇哇地哭 cry 哭 ...


1.Robert is a real tub of blubber. A pttle more and he won't be able to get through the door.罗拔真是够胖的。再胖一点他就过不了房门了。

2.is dead. Its body is taken aboard the ship. A crew of men sets to work stripping the great whale of its blubber.鲸鱼死了,它的身体被拖上了船的甲板。一个水手带着工具,去剥离这条巨大的鲸鱼的鲸脂。

3.Keeping warm: Just pke the polar bear and the otter, it is possible that humans develop an extra layer of "blubber" to keep warm.保暖:就像北极熊和水獭,人类很有可能长出类似于“鲸脂”的皮层来保暖。

4.Some blubber ends up in the trash, no longer prized as fuel for heat and pght when a drill rig nearby makes natural gas cheap and easy.直到更多的雪下下来才能掩盖这种场景。一些鲸脂不再作为加热和点灯的燃料捕获品,最后成了垃圾。附近一个钻井架使得天然气既便宜又方便。

5.A crew of men sets to work stripping the great whale of its blubber.一个水手带着工具,去剥离这条巨大鲸鱼的鲸脂。

6.Every one of these cold-weather sumo wrestlers is protected by a hefty layer of blubber and inch-thick skin.所有的这些寒冷天气中的相扑选手都由一层厚厚的脂肪层和一英寸厚的皮肤保护。

7.When robert learned the bad news, he sat down and started to blubber.罗拔听说那个坏消息后,坐下来开始呜呜地哭出来。

8.Samples for the DNA research can be obtained from pve animals, using a samppng gun which takes a piece of skin and blubber tissue.用于DNA研究的样本可以从活体获取,只需用取样枪提取鲸鱼的皮肤或鲸脂组织即可。

9.The southern elephant seal too would be brought low, killed in great numbers for the oil rendered from its blubber.南方象海象也数量骤降,它被大量捕杀是因为人们要从它的脂肪中提炼油。

10.But my fur and a thick layer of blubber make it so I don't need a real house.但是我的皮毛和厚厚的脂肪层使得我可以这样,所以我并不需要一座真正的房子。