




1.伏隔核要感受快乐,大脑中一定要有多巴胺的分泌,我们的快乐中心伏隔核nucleus accumbens)里满满的是多巴胺的受体(recept…

5.阿肯柏氏核而动力系统的强弱优劣,与能否达到目标相关,「阿肯柏氏核」(nucleus accumbens)便是这系统的核心区域。阿肯柏氏核是 …

6.依伏神经核BFS系统包括:中脑边缘多巴胺通路,它产生于中脑腹侧背盖区,投射到边缘系统的杏仁核、海马、依伏神经核nucleus accu


1.While scientists were stimulating a patient's nucleus accumbens, they hit upon a "sweet spot" that made her laugh (image D).科学家们在刺激伏核的过程中找到了一个“最有效点”,对该点的刺激使患者发笑(图D)。

2.She explains that constant stimulation can activate dopamine cells in the nucleus accumbens, a main pleasure center of the brain.持续的刺激能够激活伏核(大脑的主要愉悦中心)中的多巴胺细胞

3.Underweight rats have enhanced dopamine release and blunted acetylchopne response in the nucleus accumbens while bingeing on sucrose.体重过轻大鼠在狂饮蔗糖时可使伏隔核内多巴胺释放增加并且使乙酰胆碱反应变迟钝。

4.The scans showed that erotic images and risky financial decisions boost activity in the same area of the brain, the nucleus accumbens.扫描表明,色情图片和冒险投资决定增强了大脑同一个区域--中脑副核的活动。

5.Opiates can also generate a strong "reward" message by acting directly on the nucleus accumbens.鸦片类物质还会直接作用在依核上,产生一种强烈的报偿讯号。

6.The projection of NOS positive neurons to nucleus accumbens can be found in dorsal raphe nucleus.中缝背核内有NOS阳性神经元向伏隔核投射。

7.The area is the ventral striatum, in the region of the nucleus accumbens, which has been associated with reward, motivation and sapence.这一腹侧纹状体伏隔核区域,与犒赏,激励和倍感卓越有关。

8.Analysis of a 'feelgood' brain region called the nucleus accumbens also revealed that men and women have different attitudes to humour.对被称为“快乐感觉区”的大脑伏隔核的分析还表明,男性和女性对于幽默的态度不同。

9.In rats, expression of conditioned fear response increased extracellular level of citrulpne in the nucleus accumbens.在大鼠体内的表达条件恐惧反应程度的增加外瓜氨酸在伏隔核。

10.What does develop early is the pleasure-seeking area, the nucleus accumbens.早期发育的是大脑中心处的横沟,享乐区。