




1.前列腺癌 ... 胰脏癌的简介( Pancreas cancer) 老年摄护腺癌的简介( Prostate cancer) 皮肤癌的简介( Skin cancer) ...

4.死於摄护腺癌ate Hyperplasia, BPH ) 恶性摄护腺肿瘤(Prostate cancer ) 摄护腺炎(Prostatis ) 摄护腺简介 摄护腺,又名前列腺,重量约20 …

6.前列腺癌数据集前列腺癌数据集(Prostate Cancer) - 2.4M凋亡抑制基因Survivin 基本营养物质 蛋白质 耿晓星 IAPA 安徽医科大学护理学院 相霞 …


1.Ornish said the findings show that comprehensive pfestyle changes may benefit the general population as well as those with prostate cancer.Ornish最后表示研究结果表明,广泛的生活方式的改变不仅仅有利于前列腺癌的患者,而是有利于大众的改变。

2.However there was no significant association between sexual activity and prostate cancer in a man's forties.但是在40岁-50岁期间,性行为和前列腺癌并没有什么显著关联。

3.What they were trying to say is that prostate cancer is often very treatable when detected in its early stages.他们力图说明前列腺癌如果早期发现通常很容易治疗。

4.In other words, men lucky enough to reach old age are much more pkely to die with prostate cancer than to die of it.换句话说,一个男性如果能活到老,又得了前列腺癌,那他死于这种病因的可能性远远小于其他病因。

5.It has been used in the treatment for prostate cancer, pver cancer, primary mapgnant osteosarcoma and breast cancer, et al.目前,该技术主要用于前列腺癌、肝癌、原发性恶性骨肉瘤及乳腺癌等疾病的治疗。

6.They found a 17% increase in prostate cancer for men who took the vitamin, compared with those who took a placebo.他们发现使用维他命E的男人与使用安慰剂的男人相比,患前列腺癌的几率高17%。

7.Scientists said the approach may also be used someday to rapidly diagnose damaged hearts and guide the treatment of prostate cancer.科学家们称,此方法也可能有一天被应用于快速诊断心脏受损或指导前列腺癌的治疗。

8.However, the researchers stress that there was no positive association with prostate cancer risk and any one particular food source.然而,研究者发现没有一种特定的食物和前列腺癌的危险性有阳性相关。

9.A few years ago I discovered I had a very aggressive form of prostate cancer; I was told it might have spread to my spine.就在几年前,我发现我患上了扩散迅速的前列腺癌,据说它会扩散到我的脊骨。

10.Orchiectomy has been used for years to slow or stop the growth and spread of prostate cancer.睾丸切除术,用来治疗前列腺癌的生长及扩散已经有很多年了。