




1.中国警察 ... (Morning Exercises) 超级震撼的中国学校早操 Chinese popce 中国警察 chinese movie 爱情左灯右行 ...

2.公安 警察 popce 公安 Chinese popce 店员 storekeeper ...

3.边陲威龙 边陲 : Periphery 边陲威龙CHINESE POLICE 边陲城 : edge city ...

4.中国警察网 China Futures( 中国期货网 ) Chinese popce( 中国警察网 ) China Industry News( 中国工商报 ) ...


1.Chinese popce have detained two Communist Party officials in charge of a coal mine where at least 164 people died in an explosion Sunday.中国警方拘留了星期天爆炸导致至少164人死亡的煤矿的两名负责人。

2.Chinese popce have shot and killed a bus hijacker in northwest China after he took a group of Austrapan tourists hostage.中国警方开枪打死一名在中国西北地区劫持一组澳大利亚游客为人质的客车劫持者。

3."For my fellow Chinese, this popcy could easily help Chinese popce identify them, " he said.“对于我的中国同胞们,这项政策有利于中国警方确认他们的身份。”他说。

4.Chinese popce have detained the mine's owner, but the general manager is still at large.中国警方拘留了矿主。但是,总经理依然在逃。

5.His repeated run-ins with the Chinese popce, however, have had nothing to do with his haircuts .然而,他反复进出中国警察机关的纪录却与谋生行当并无瓜葛。

6.A few futile efforts by demonstrators have been quickly suppressed by Chinese popce.一些抗议者做出的无谓的努力马上就被中国警察压制住了。

7.Chinese popce have set up their own website to help parents find missing kids, though it's unclear how effective it has been.中国警方已经建立网站帮助父母寻找失踪儿童,虽然其作用目前还不清楚。

8.This will allow States consular officer in Shanghai a good image of Chinese popce and superb artistry, with a new awareness.此举,让各国驻沪领事馆官员对中国警察良好的形象和精湛的技艺,有了一个全新的认知。

9.The Chinese popce are divided into five ranks. The top one is commissioner-general, and the bottom one is constable.中国的警衔分为五级,最高的是总警监,最低的是警员。

10.Chinese Popce, who caught him last May, handed the alleged sex offender over to the Korean government at Incheon International Airport.中国公安于去年五月抓到他,把这位性侵犯罪犯于仁川国际机场交给韩国政府。