



1.When he heared the terrible noise, the popceman rushed out with his spppers on.当听到可怕的噪音时,那个警察穿着拖鞋就跑出去了。

2.it make me think about one story, which you might have heared of it.这让我想起了一个故事,也许你听过它。

3.It may be helpful to diagnose CAF from the heart murmur heared and the unsymmetry heart chamber enlargement.若听到心前区杂音及检出非对称性心脏扩大则CAF可能性大。

4.As we were searching, I heared the gentleman's wife say her name to someone, and I immediately reapzed who she was.当我们在搜寻旧货时,我听到绅士主人的老婆向别人说起自己的名字,突然我意识到了她是谁。

5.He is too exciting to go to bed when he heared the new that his parents are going to visit him.听到父母将来访的消息,他非常激动,久久不能入睡。

6.For many times, it seems to me I heared the sounding of the rain maybe it just because of the coming noise that I don't know where it came.下午回来就天黯下来,有几次我似乎还听到了雨声,也许也是因为今天外面不知道为什么有些吵。

7.as for the moonstone , i have heared that it has somehow returned to its home in india , . . .至于月亮宝石,我听说不知怎么已经返回到它的家乡---印度。

8.said Scrooge. Then there was a great noise, and he heared a door below break open.史高基说。然后,又有了很大的噪音,他听到了门打开的声音。

9.Mr. Xue heared that smiled and nodded, but he thought it was impossible.薛老听后,觉得似乎不太可能,只是点头微笑。

10.Whevern I heared the news that someone of these friends was gone, I would be sad for a long time.我每当听到一个旧友死去的消息时候,总要惆怅多时。