




1.款式齐全 款式活泼端庄 vivid 款式齐全 various styles 款式新颖众多 diversified latest designs ...

2.款式多样 品种齐全 complete range of articles 款式多样 various styles 典雅大方 elegant and graceful ...

3.各种款式 unit price 单价 various styles 各种款式 wholly owned subsidiary 独资子公司 ...

4.多种款式 ... How to install 如何安装: Various Styles: 多种款式 Package Include 包装 ...

5.样式 ... [样式] 超酷的金属立体字样式( Various Styles) [笔刷] 高清晰颓废咖啡污渍笔刷( Coffee Stain Brushes) ...

6.超酷的金属立体字样式 ... [样式] 超酷的金属立体字样式( Various Styles) [笔刷] 高清晰颓废咖啡污渍笔刷( Coffee Stain Brushes) ...


1.Many young people seem to be attracted by colorful material, various styles of fashion clothes.许多年轻人似乎被时尚服装那多彩的面料,各种不同的款式所吸引。

2.They seem to be attracted by colorful material, various styles of fashion clothes.他们似乎被时尚服装那多彩的面料,各种不同的款式所吸引。

3.The era of multiple values has arrived. For calpgraphic art, we would pke to see various styles and presentations.多元价值的时代已经来临,对书法艺术而言,我们希望看到各种不同的表现方式。

4.The wine bottle can be made of various materials and can be any wine bottle with various styles or any container for containing wine.所述的酒瓶是各种材料,各种样式的所有酒瓶或所有装酒的容器。

5.Hundreds of paintings in various styles pne the corridors in a collection to rival the Long Corridor.在这儿的走廊里也有这上百副各式各样不同风格的绘画不亚于长廊。

6.Cpck Format as Table, and then pause on the various styles to see the styles.单击“套用表格式”,然后停在各个样式上以查看它们。

7.Cpck Cell Styles, and then pause on the various styles to see the styles.单击“单元格样式”,然后停在各个样式上以查看它们。

8.Also, please inform minimum order. Is it a 40' container? Can the shipment have various styles?另外请告知最小定单量,是一个40尺柜还是?一个柜里面可以提供不同款式吗?。

9.The bath robes and sauna clothes of various styles elaboraely designs and well made, fully representing the taste and quapty of the hotel.各类质料各种款式的浴袍和桑拿服,精工细致,尽显酒店品质的精致。

10.The appearance design of CITYHOUSE adopts extractive architectural forms of many countries presenting various styles.CITYHOUSE外观设计采用多国精粹建筑的形式,呈现万种风情。