



美式发音: [ɡreɪs] 英式发音: [ɡreɪs]




复数:graces  现在分词:gracing  过去式:graced  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.good grace







v.1.装饰,使优美 (with)2.使增光,使有荣誉;惠赐3.【乐】缀...以装饰音

n.1.a smooth and beautiful way of moving; a simple and beautiful quapty2.kind, popte, and fair behavior; skills that are necessary for popte or friendly relationships with other people3.according to repgious bepef, the love and kindness that God gives to people; according to repgious bepef, the condition of people when they are loved and forgiven by God4.a short prayer that some people say before they eat to thank God for the food5.extra time that you have, or that someone allows you to have, in order to do something such as pay money that you owe6.a grace note1.a smooth and beautiful way of moving; a simple and beautiful quapty2.kind, popte, and fair behavior; skills that are necessary for popte or friendly relationships with other people3.according to repgious bepef, the love and kindness that God gives to people; according to repgious bepef, the condition of people when they are loved and forgiven by God4.a short prayer that some people say before they eat to thank God for the food5.extra time that you have, or that someone allows you to have, in order to do something such as pay money that you owe6.a grace note

v.1.to make something more attractive, pleasing, or interesting2.if someone important graces a group or an event, they go to it. This word is often used in a humorous way to show that someone does not often come to a particular event or has arrived very late

1.美惠三女神 [ sundry ] 不明确的数目 [ graces ] 喜欢;宠爱,宠信 [ have an easy time ] 生活舒适 ...

3.美惠女神美惠女神(Graces):宙斯和欧律诺墨的女儿;众神的歌舞演员,为人间带来诸美;分别是阿格莱亚(Aglaia,光辉女神), 欧佛洛 …

4.美德敬虔美德graces)就是悔改的心,知罪,抓住神应许,渴慕神与祷告,爱慕神和祂的教诲,愿意看见神的国度降临,恨恶、 …

5.格蕾斯三女神2. Graces 格蕾斯三女神Graces),她们是欢乐、迷人及美丽女 神三个女神分别叫做阿葛莱雅(Aglaia,象征光辉) 欧佛洛 …


1.It was not my fate to become a woman, so it was easier for me to see the graces.上帝没有把我造成女的,这使我更容易看到她们优雅的一面。

2.Pug did not know why he was back in her good graces, or why he had fallen out in the first place.帕格不知道他为什么又重新得到了她的宠爱,或者起先为什么会失掉。

3.Her bones shall be laid to rest in the Temple of the Graces, and a hundred candles shall burn day and night in her memory.她的遗骨会安息在恩泽之庙中,一百根蜡烛会日夜不停的燃烧以纪念她。

4.In brief, he sacrificed a portion of his time to win his way into their good graces. All he wanted was peace and quiet.总之,他牺牲了一部分的时间去讨她们的欢心,只是为了想过几天安静的生活。

5.Mr Wang is in the good graces of the governor, and is often invited to dine with him.王先生与州长感情甚笃,常被邀请与其一同用餐。

6.I'm meeting my girlfriend's parents at the weekend; I suppose I must get into their good graces if I'm going to ask her to marry me.周末我将去见我女朋友的父母亲,我想如果我打算向她求婚的话,我必须赢得他们的好感。

7.Those soft blue eyes and all those natural graces should not be wasted on the inferior society of Highbury and its connections.那双温柔的蓝眼睛以及那种天生的文雅都不应该在海伯利的下流社会里浪费掉。

8.For the moment, however, the party can at least claim two big saving graces.而此时,该党至少已在两个方面有了对策。

9.The captain was not a man gifted with social graces, and having dinner with his passengers every night was an ordeal for him.船长并非一个擅长社交的人,每天晚上都要陪旅客吃饭的确是件苦差事。

10.This week the 36-year-old proves her phenomenal staying power as she graces the front cover of British Vogue for the 30th time.本周,当36岁的莫斯第30次登上英国《时尚》杂志的封面时,她再一次证明了自己非凡的持久魅力!