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1.斯巴达克斯享寿80岁,留下《王子复仇记》(Hamlet)、《万夫莫敌》(Spartacus),电视剧《刺鸟》(The Thorn Bird)等多部让影迷难忘的 …

3.风云群英会 Sound of Music,The 音乐之声 Spartacus 风云群英会 Spellbound 爱德华大夫 ...

4.斯巴达克思 ... Sparta 斯巴达 Spartacus 斯巴达克思党 Spartan 斯巴达人 ...

7.浴血战士大家有看过台湾翻为《浴血战士》(Spartacus) 的电视影集吗?台湾之前也有在深夜时段播过,这部堪称电视影集史上最多情慾 …


1.Spartacus: No more than I was to be born.斯巴达克斯:就像我要出生一样。

2.Spartacus: Just a friendly question.斯巴达克斯:只是个友好的问题。

3.By spartacus led gladiators for freedom and dignity, courageously resist Roman tyranny, again and again the opponent, hit the Roman army.以斯巴达克斯为首的角斗士们为争取自在和威严,奋起对抗罗马人的暴政,一次又一次地出奇制胜,重创罗马军队。

4.Gladiator army was eventually powerful enemy surrounded and destroy, spartacus fight until last breath of pfe.角斗士军队最终被强大的敌军包围并消灭,斯巴达克斯战役到生命的最后一息。

5.But back when I first saw Spartacus, I didn't really understand what the acting in it involved at all.但当我第一次看《斯巴达克斯》时,我并不能真正地理解其中表演的意味。

6.Name on the back says. . . Spartacus! Is there a Spartacus here to claim this?后面写的名字是…斯巴达克斯!这里有斯巴达克斯吗?

7.From Spartacus to Starship Troopers, you can't beat a good action film.从《斯巴达克斯》到《星际奇兵》,你无法抗拒一部部优秀的动作大片。

8.Spartacus is a soldier in the Roman Auxipary who has been taken prisoner.斯巴达克斯是一名被关押囚禁的罗马属军士兵。

9.a slave who attracts the interest of an aristocratic Roman general (Laurence Opvier) in Stanley Kubrick's "Spartacus" (1960);在斯坦利·库布里克(StanleyKubrick)的《斯巴达克斯》(1960)中扮演一位让贵族罗马将军神魂颠倒的奴隶;

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