




1.朋友也上床朋友也上床Friends with benefits)中17分到18分的音乐是是什么?已关闭 50 [ 标签:friends, with, benefits ] SOSO用户 201…

2.如此朋友简介:《如此朋友》(Friends With Benefits)是一部非常类似《老爸老妈的浪漫史》的「友情类」情景喜剧,故事讲述一群20 …

3.好友万万睡  今夏,艾玛史东推出《好友万万睡》(Friends With Benefits)、《姐妹》(The Help)和《熟男型不型》(Crazy Stupid Love…

4.恋搞好朋友恋搞好朋友Friends with benefits)导演:韦古克(Will Gluck)演员:Justin Timberlake、米娜古妮丝(Mila Kunis)、柏翠 …

5.好友也上床具体电影可以参考《美国派》系列,《好友也上床》(Friends with Benefits),《宿醉》(Hangover)系列,《破处之旅》(Sex Driv…

6.伴侣也上床《伴侣也上床》(Friends With Benefits)是一部很是近似《老爸老妈的浪漫史》的「友谊类」景象笑剧,故事报告一群20多岁 …


1.If you think friends with benefits sounds comppcated, imagine being divorced. . . with benefits.如果你觉得炮友这事很复杂,想象一下离婚后的性关系。

2.We fucked, but we didn't date. It was just a friends with benefits type thing, don't worry about it.我们做过了,但并没有约会,只是炮友关系,别担心。

3.When we finally took an initial step toward a physical relationship, both of us swore that it was simply 'friends with benefits.当我们终于决定要走出由朋友关系向性关系转变的那一步时,我们都发誓我们之间仅仅是“炮友”而已。

4.The father and she were "never really together" , merely "friends with benefits, I guess" .孩子的父亲和她“从来没有真正在一起生活过”,而只是“我觉得,是可以互相利用的朋友”。

5.This is a given that director Will Gluck's Friends with Benefits uses to its advantage.这是一个给定的主任将格鲁克的优点朋友使用它的优势。

6.Ivan: Our relationship has progressed to friends with benefits .逸凡:我们进展到炮友的关系。

7.Nearly two thirds (62 per cent) said men were 'just friends', while over a third (34 per cent) admitted they had 'friends with benefits'.结果有近三分之二(62%)的受访者称男性友人“只是朋友”,而另外超过三分之一(34%)的则坦言自己有只上床不谈爱的男性炮友。

8.Our relationship has progressed to friends with benefits .我们已经发展到炮友的关系。

9.You've reached "Friends with Benefits. "你接通了“非常朋友”热线

10.I did nothing, I told u we were just friends with benefits at the first place!我什么都没做,从一开始我就告诉你我跟你只是逢场作戏!)Amber委屈的辩解着。