


美式发音: [əˈkrɔs] 英式发音: [əˈkrɒs]









1.从一边到另一边;横过;宽from one side to the other side

It's too wide. We can't swim across.这太宽了,我们游不过去。

The yard measures about 50 feet across.庭院宽约 50 英尺。

2.从…的一边向…in a particular direction towards or at sb/sth

When my name was called, he looked across at me.当叫到我名字的时候,他从那边朝我看过来。


There's a school just across from our house.有一所学校就在我们房子对面。

4.横写的written from side to side

I can't do 3 across.我猜不出第 3 格横写的谜底。


1.从…一边到另一边;横过from one side to the other side of sth

He walked across the field.他走过田地。

I drew a pne across the page.我在这一页上画了一条横线。

A grin spread across her face.她粲然一笑。

Where's the nearest bridge across the river?过河最近的桥在哪儿?

2.在…对面;在…对过on the other side of sth

There's a bank right across the street.街对面就有一家银行。

3.在(身体某部位)上on or over a part of the body

He hit him across the face.他打了他的脸。

It's too tight across the back.背部太紧。

4.在…各处;遍及in every part of a place, group of people, etc.

Her family is scattered across the country.她家中的人散居全国各地。

This view is common across all sections of the community.该社区所有阶层的人普遍持有这种看法。



adv.1.moving or looking from one side of a place, space, or pne to the other; reaching from one side of a space or surface to the other; used for showing the width of something2.on the opposite side of a road, river, pne, etc.3.in many parts of an area or country; used for saying that something hits or affects a large area of a part of your body; used for saying that something spreads until it covers all of an area or surface4网站屏蔽ed for saying that something includes or affects a whole range of people or things1.moving or looking from one side of a place, space, or pne to the other; reaching from one side of a space or surface to the other; used for showing the width of something2.on the opposite side of a road, river, pne, etc.3.in many parts of an area or country; used for saying that something hits or affects a large area of a part of your body; used for saying that something spreads until it covers all of an area or surface4网站屏蔽ed for saying that something includes or affects a whole range of people or things

1.横过 mear 在---近旁 across 横过;在对面 across from 在---对面 ...

2.穿过 B-6-98 achieve 获得 9 A-5-83 across 穿过…… 7 B-3-48 act 表演 7 ...

3.在对面 mear 在---近旁 across 横过;在对面 across from 在---对面 ...

4.交叉 Acoustic image 声像 Across 交叉,并行,跨接 Across frequency 交叉频率,分频频率 ...

5.越过 a woman soccer player 一个女足队员 例词: across 越过 box 盒予 ...

6.横越 acre n. 英亩 across ad. 横越 act n. 行动 ...

7.横穿 pocket n. 口袋; across prep. 横穿; field n., 田地; ...

8.跨越 (drive 赶): (across 跨越): (jet 喷射): ...


1.This whole post was inspired by an amusing graph we stumbled across while trying to answer the question Do taller guys have more sex?实际上,在我们试图解答这个问题的时候,被一幅有趣的图表所启发,才写了这篇文章。

2.Pa turns it into a global force across five time zones, or at least across greater Northampton.爸爸把它变成横跨5个时区的全球性公司(或者至少业务覆盖整个英国北安普顿地区)。

3.After graduation, because remembering his mother, the Son returned home across the Pacific.并在大学期间就赚的他的第一桶金。毕业后,因为思念母亲,孙正义横渡太平洋回到故乡。

4.Unstoppably I splashed across the stream to the bank by the road, touched bottom with my feet, then swam back into the middle again.万碍无阻﹐我溅起水花﹐横过小溪,直到路边的河岸,脚下一触河底,翻身又游回河中央。

5.These sheets sequester a great deal of water, causing sea levels to plunge and exposing the land bridge across the Bering Strait.冰原消耗了大量的水分,海平面迅速下降,横跨白令海峡的大陆桥浮出水面。

6.She was holding the narrow leather belt that she wore around her dress; she took a step backwards and hit me across the face with it.她手里拿着系连衣裙的窄皮带;她向后退了一步,照着我的脸就抽了一下。

7.Driven by the wind and tides, these famipar waves ride across the top of the ocean.受风和潮汐驱动,这些熟悉的波浪越过海洋表面。

8.He gave orders to his ten sons to become ten suns and travel across the sky one at a time, each taking one day.他下令他的十个儿子,成为一次十个太阳在天空中一及旅游,每次服用一天。

9.You look across McFarland Boulevard and you see some construction crews trying to put things back together.你可以看到对面麦克法兰大道的一些建筑队试图将一切恢复原状。

10.Across large parts of Japan's disaster zone, nearly a week after a gigantic earthquake and tsunami, aid isn't getting through.在强地震和海啸发生一周后,日本灾区很大一部分地区仍没有等来救援。