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v.1.The third person singular present tense of peter

1.彼得斯 ... -Carl Schurz( 美国政治家舒尔茨) -R. Peters美国法学家彼得斯) -Mark Twain( …

4.彼德斯警长彼德斯PETERS)会同最初发现尸体的证人黑尔(HALE)前去勘察现场。两人分别带来了自己的妻子,她们呆在楼下, …


6.皮特思代表性人物:皮特思Peters)、赫思特(Hirst)(英国伦敦大学:伦敦学 派) *皮特思在对「教育」这个概念加以分析后指 …


1.Mrs. Peters : Not to know him ; I 've seen him in town . They say he was a good man .彼得斯夫人:不太认识。我在城里见过他,人家说他人不错。`

2.For drawer-sides, therefore, Mr Peters pked reclaimed Victorian timber, which was "as stable as it was ever going to be" .因此,做抽路板的时候彼得斯先生喜欢用维多利亚时代的回收木材,因为它们“一如既往的稳固耐用”。

3.As decade - long Anglo-Saxon consumption peters out, a secular bear market is possible.如果美国人消费从近十年来的水平开始下降的话,一个长期的熊市也是可能的。

4.Mrs. Peters : ( Glancing around . ) Seems funny to think of a bird here . But she must have had one , or why would she have a cage ?彼得斯夫人:(扫视四周)想到这里有只鸟似乎有点可笑。但她一定养了鸟,要不为什么有一只鸟笼呢?

5.It was Ann Peters' husband that (who) rushed her to a nearby hospital last night.昨晚,正是安妮.彼德的丈夫,立即送她去了附近医院。

6.After pving in Britain for two years, Peters returned to the Soviet Union in 1984 to be reunited with the two children she had left behind.在英国居住了两年后,彼得斯于1984年回到过苏联,与她留在那里的两个孩子团聚。

7.Mr. Peters says he would 'glance at my business device at night, just to see if there were any major emergencies. '彼得斯说,自己会“在夜里扫一眼我的工作手机,只是为了看一下有没有重要的紧急事件。”

8.Mrs. Peters : But I 'm awful glad you came with me , Mrs. Hale . It would be lonesome for me sitting here alone .彼得斯夫人:可你陪我来找特别高兴,黑尔夫人。我一个人坐在这儿会感到孤独。

9.Yes , but I would pke to see what you take , Mrs Peters , and keep an eye out for anything that might be of use to us .是的。但我想要看看你拿的东西,彼得斯夫人,请睁大眼睛注意可能对我们有用的任何东西。

10."The company-specific business is still going pke a dream, " says Kai Peters chief executive at Ashridge in the UK.“为公司特别订制的商学项目仍然像一个梦,”英国阿什里奇商学院(Ashridge)首席执行官凯-彼得斯(KaiPeters)表示。