

arbiter:[英 [ˈɑ:bɪtə(r)] 美 [ˈɑ:rbɪtə(r)] ]



arbiter 基本解释


名词[法]仲裁人,裁决者; 权威人士,主宰者

arbiter 网络解释

1. 仲裁员:审判员分三种:承审员(judex)、仲裁员(arbiter)和外务仲裁员(recuperatores),有时一人审案,有时三堂会审,有时五堂会审,多者可达十余堂,判决的原则是少数服从多数.

2. 仲裁机:敌人会频繁使用武士(Templar )的电击,仲裁机(Arbiter)的冰封,遇到此类敌人要迅速歼灭. 攻克下方的基地后迅速建立我方基地,开采所抢占的资源. 就这样把敌人全歼,建筑物可保留,不要让敌人有任何喘息的机会,之后,再带工蝎于水晶山处开采水晶,

arbiter 双语例句

1. SuperBrands is an independent arbiter on branding.


2. On the basis of studying bus arbitration mechanism, a distributed, dynamic priority and subsection priority bus arbiter prototype was designed and implemented.


3. This is forgotten that the government should be the arbiter of the game rather than the functions of party positioning.


4. After the divisions in the Security Council over the Iraq war, and given the divisions that may now open up over intervention in Darfur and Iran's nuclear programme, there exists a great appetite the world over for a UN that lives up to the aspirations of its founding charter as a rule-setting body and arbiter in international relations.


5. And so this protectiveness of Blalock as a human being, to me, as the kind of arbiter of the choices that are available to you.


6. Because most environmental law is federal statutory law, and because the U. S. Supreme Court is the final arbiter of the constitutionality of laws, most decisions you will read about in this book will be from the Supreme Court.


7. To foist itself on the rest of us as an arbiter of such matters.


8. But it is the legacy of Wordsworth, who became a tourist attraction himself, as Romantic, ecologist, guidebook writer, landscape gardener (of particular appeal to Mr Thompson, a landscape architect) and arbiter of taste that continues to inspire and provoke controversy.



9. He's not exactly the arbiter of great literature, is he?


10. He is the arbiter of the diverse, he is the key


11. But in China, the government, not a court, is the final arbiter of law.


12. She was the final arbiter on all matters of fashion.


13. arbiter的反义词

13. China`s central bank is also the nation`s official arbiter on matters of currency policy.


14. I think society has to be the final arbiter.


15. Calibration service provider and measurement equipment manufacturers via the Internet to the middle Calibration Fully developed application, the Nissan Research Institute will be sent to the applicant arbiter Department.


16. arbiter是什么意思

16. The system includes an arbiter (202a), residing within a Host Bridge (202), Control and Power Logic (208), and a plurality of in-line switch modules (326, 328) coupled to a bus.


17. arbiter的反义词

17. For the first two illegal moves made by a player, the arbiter shall give two minutes extra time to his opponent in each instance; for a third illegal move by the same player, the arbiter shall declare the game lost by this player.


18. arbiter是什么意思

18. Time is the arbiter of fate.


19. In this circumstance, the court acts as final arbiter on a difficult issue.


20. arbiter在线翻译

20. Do we really want railroads to be the arbiter s of who wins and who loses in the marketplace?


arbiter 词典解释

1. 仲裁人;公断人

An arbiter is a person or institution that judges and settles a quarrel between two other people or groups.


e.g. He was the ultimate arbiter on both theological and political matters.


e.g. ...the court's role as arbiter in the law-making process.


2. (时尚或风格的)权威,决定者

An arbiter of taste or style is someone who has a lot of influence in deciding what is fashionable or socially desirable.

e.g. Sequins have often aroused the scorn of arbiters of taste.


arbiter 单语例句

1. " It seems they had not done their homework properly, " Arbiter said.

2. Although there will be a central director to Chinese media on the world stage, the ultimate arbiter of the value of that media will be the market.

3. The world cannot count on the US and its cyber forces to serve as an impartial arbiter in cyberspace.

4. But they will not be the final arbiter in a fight that is expected to reach the Supreme Court.

5. The government should be a fair arbiter and protect the rights of workers if possible.

6. The arbiter of US business cycles has not yet declared the economy in recession.

7. Local governments should withdraw from the " land transaction " process and become a kind of arbiter, he said.

arbiter 英英释义


1. someone chosen to judge and decide a disputed issue

e.g. the critic was considered to be an arbiter of modern literature

the arbitrator's authority derived from the consent of the disputants

an umpire was appointed to settle the tax case

Synonym: arbitratorumpire

2. someone with the power to settle matters at will

e.g. she was the final arbiter on all matters of fashion

Synonym: supreme authority