

exemplary:[英 [ɪgˈzempləri] 美 [ɪɡˈzɛmpləri] ]


exemplary 基本解释

形容词示范的; 典型的; 惩戒性的

exemplary 网络解释

1. 可仿效的:它在某种程度上是普遍的,即它去除了其精心制作(elaboration)中的任何起源;或者主体是作品的艺术构造(configuration),就如马拉美所评论的,作者的特殊性已经被取消了,在可仿效的(exemplary)开创兴建的构造中,诸如和,

2. 典型的:executive selection 行政人员选拔 | exemplary 典型的 | exemplification 例证

3. 示列性:Exclusively 只 | Exemplary 示列性 | Exist a need 需要

4. exemplary的解释

4. 模范的,值得模仿的,示范的:Exemplar 模范,典型,模型,样品,范例 | Exemplary 模范的,值得模仿的,示范的 | Exemplify 举例说明

exemplary 双语例句

1. If the organization has not approved my request to join the party, I would like to move closer to party organizations, to actively report on the organization's thinking of the individual activities, work, study and become an exemplary life, do our own work, so that the organization had told me in a deeper, more Scrutiny.


2. Second, establish control-subsidiary debt liability system through legislation, which is exemplary of German experience.



3. In one exemplary embodiment, the dielectric support 110 is selectively molded with at least two plastic materials.


4. Your works are as difficult to read as Zhou Gu and Yin Pan, as precise as the Spring and Autumn Annals, as sumptuous as Zuo Shi, as innovative and exemplary as the Book of Changes, and as classic as Shi.

你的工厂同样地是困难读如 Zhou Gu 和阴平锅的,如精确的如春天和秋天纪年表,同样地奢侈的如 Zuo Shi,同样地创新的和可仿效的如易经,和如第一流的如 Shi。

5. exemplary的意思

5. In one exemplary embodiment, a dummy content addressable memory cell is provided and is strategically placed on the chip layout farthest away from the cache word line driver circuit.


6. My hygine is exemplary - I bathe 2 times a day; I brush my teeth 3 times a day and I always wearclean my clothes..


7. I had forgotten the drawings, or I am willing to sacrifice the content of our conversation to everyone, but now even the groups do not let me stay, and I T, I can only describe this place to express your admiration for the exemplary feelings.


8. Its diverse components - outstanding buildings, landscaped parks and gardens in the English style, and subtly modified expanses of agricultural land - serve aesthetic, educational, and economic purposes in an exemplary manner.



9. They are exemplary in the care of their poor and sick.


10. It's highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be.


11. If he does do them, he`s an exemplary soldier.


12. He was kept because he is an exemplary professional.


13. exemplary的近义词

13. The system will play an exemplary role for large-scale construction projects in China's information management.


14. Have exemplary credentials to back you up.


15. Where the presence of the army, first of all played an exemplary role.


16. Even though the precise qualities of hero in literary words may vary over time, the basic exemplary


17. Build quality in general seems exemplary and the slider makes the action of the old Zire 71 and the T|T series looks like shoddy stuff.

总的来说pre做工很不错,键盘滑动动作让Zire 71和T|T系列显得粗制滥造。

18. Honny's is the community of all our sweat and wisdom, and every employee cannot even be surpassed by others exemplary. Everything we did or being doing is actual for ourselves and we should be responsible for ourselves, since our responsibility will create the future dignity and dream of Honny!


19. exemplary的解释

19. I, as a squadron leader, a squadron leader standards everywhere strict demands on themselves and actively participate in various activities, enthusiastic love for others, be able to do a good job in an exemplary and leading role.


20. To me, it`s not so much about the `canonisation` into a saint of a person as to the exemplary deeds of that person in living a Christ-like life.


exemplary 词典解释

1. 典范的;可作榜样的

If you describe someone or something as exemplary, you think they are extremely good.


e.g. Underpinning this success has been an exemplary record of innovation.


2. 惩戒性的;儆戒性的

An exemplary punishment is unusually harsh and is intended to stop other people from committing similar crimes.


e.g. He demanded exemplary sentences for those behind the violence.


exemplary 单语例句

1. Central SOEs must play an exemplary role in the country's drive to go green.

2. The Chilean mine accident was an exemplary demonstration of the difference an emergency shelter can make when miners find themselves in harm's way.

3. Vice Health Minister Wang Guoqiang also said that Tasly's progress in FDA clinical trials could play an exemplary role for other Chinese patent traditional medicine.

4. While recognizing China's exemplary success in reducing poverty, this report has concluded that the job is still far from complete.

5. Hunan has 10 of the country's 100 exemplary counties in providing more electricity for the countryside by building power projects and generators on their own.

6. The company managed to grow despite being categorized somewhere between an economic cult and an exemplary foreign enterprise.

7. " You can't expect exemplary behavior from an eccentric man like him, " he added.

8. The " China miracle " has produced some exemplary effects, especially for Asian nations.

9. He made the remarks while meeting the member speakers of a lecture on exemplary deeds by cadres from the country's discipline inspection and supervision authorities.

10. The general termed the number of attackers as high as five, saying all those involved in the heinous crime will be awarded exemplary punishment.

exemplary 英英释义


1. serving to warn

e.g. shook a monitory finger at him

an exemplary jail sentence

Synonym: admonitorycautionarymonitorywarning(a)

2. being or serving as an illustration of a type

e.g. the free discussion that is emblematic of democracy

an action exemplary of his conduct

Synonym: emblematictypic

3. worthy of imitation

e.g. exemplary behavior

model citizens

Synonym: model(a)