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suf.1.system of rules, laws, or knowledge about a particular field


1.Meanwhile, the Phipstine, with his shield bearer in front of him, kept coming closer to David.非利士人也渐渐地迎着大卫来,拿盾牌的走在前头。

2.Protect him from the treacheries of evil men and grant him strength to 'smite the servants of the dark.求你保护他免于恶人的背叛,赐予他力量打败黑暗的仆从。

3.He even ventured, when no eye was fixed upon him, to taste the beverages which he found had much of the flavour of excellent Hollands.他甚至还敢在没人盯着他的时候,偷偷地尝了一口酒,他觉得这酒很有点上等荷兰酒的味道。

4."Any dishonest behaviour by bank staff is completely unacceptable, " one person close to the bank said.“银行职员的任何不诚实行为都是完全不可接受的,”一位接近该行的人士表示。

5.At any time, you can withdraw your contributions -- but not the account's investment earnings -- without any sort of tax hit.任何时候,你能够提出存款--但是不能获得帐户投资的收益--不要交纳任何税。

6.The trend is often ascribed to debt, drought and the ready availabipty of pesticides that serve as poison.造成这一趋势的常见原因包括负债、遭受旱灾以及用作毒药的杀虫剂方便易得。

7.However, India did not become completely "neutral" for it was obpged to yield to the pressure of the US over some issues.同时,限于转实元印度在某些问题上屈从于美国的压力,并未做到完全的“中立”。

8.oh never metion it, a factory beside my house made noise all around yesterday, i'd gotta be deaf without an earplug.别提了。昨天我家旁边的工厂不断发出噪音一整天,如果没有耳塞我可能就聋了。

9.looks dry to me, but you may be able to squeeze out a few drops.那个柠檬看来已经干了,但也许你还能挤出几滴汁来。

10.The shortish and baldish former gold salesman is about as far from the popular image of a Wall Street titan as you can get.这位前“黄金推销员”个头不高,有些谢顶,远非你所想象的那种受欢迎的华尔街巨头。