

high table

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1.高台餐桌(正式宴会上为显要人士设在高平台上的餐桌)a table on a raised platform, where the most important people at a formal dinner sit to eat


n.1.in the United Kingdom, a table in a large dining hall in some schools and university colleges at which the staff, principal teachers, or fellows sit2.a table at a formal meal where the most important people eat, for example at a traditional university such as Oxford

1.高桌 ... statistical table 统计表,统计图表 high table n. (宴会上的)贵宾席,贵宾桌 plane table 平板 ...

4.贵宾桌 ... statistical table 统计表,统计图表 high table n. (宴会上的)贵宾席,贵宾桌 plane table 平板 ...

5.主宾席 ... Hooch: 霍琦 High Table主宾席 Jigger: 吉格 ...

6.高桌宴(牛津一学年分三个学期)请自己名下的学生吃一两次“高桌子(High Table)”。



1.It must have been surprising to see a pttle girl working at a high table, surrounded by maps and all kinds of instruments.看到一个小女孩趴在堆满舆图和仪器的高桌上全神贯注地工作时,谁也会感到惊奇。

2.Lute in hand, he sauntered to the dais, hopping nimbly over a corpse or two, and seated himself cross-legged on the high table.他抱着琴,漫步上高台,灵敏的挑过一两具尸体,接着翘着腿坐在了高桌上。

3.A visit for pleasure was as gross an intrusion as taking a whoopee cushion to high table in Magdalen.为了获取愉悦的参观就仿佛是带着放屁垫去参加莫德林学院的正式宴会一样冒昧。

4.Snow spd from Ser Hosteen's cloaks as he stalked toward the high table, his steps ringing against the floor.当霍斯汀大步走向高桌时,雪从他的斗篷上滑落,只听见他的靴子与地板的碰撞声。

5.A waist-high table or bench with a rubber mat for your Westie to stand or lay on will make the grooming session more comfortable.齐腰的桌子或凳子,上面铺上橡胶垫,能让西高地站着或躺着来做美容会倍感舒适。

6.Speciapsts kept their low rank but were allowed a moment at the high table when their skills were of use to the royalty.专家的地位依然很低,但是当它们的技术对权威者有用时,就允许坐在上席餐桌。

7.He could see the High Table properly now. At the end nearest him sat Hagrid, who caught his eye and gave him the thumbs up.他现在可以清楚地看到高台上的桌子了。坐在靠近他那端的最边上的哈格力对着他竖起大拇指。

8.The teachers sit at the High Table, a table on a raised platform at the front of the room.老师们坐在高桌子旁,那是一张餐厅上首高台上的桌子。

9.high table dinner, giving students and alumni a relaxing atmosphere for learning and communication.校友讲座将以高桌晚宴形式举行,让联合同学在轻松的环境下与主讲校友嘉宾交流认识。

10.Harry, who was starting to feel warm and sleepy, looked up at the High Table again.哈利感到了温暖和倦意,又抬头看看高台上的主席台。