




1.只是好奇 ... You need some money 你需要钱 Just curious 只是好奇 I've been working a long time... 我工作了很长时间了 ...

2.好奇而已 ... We talked together in Boston. 我们在波士顿谈过话 Just curious. 好奇而已 I doubt it. 我倒不信 ...

3.只是好奇而已 Curious Heart 好奇心; Just curious 只是好奇而已; Curious Camel 好奇的骆驼; ...

4.出于好奇吗 You know what? Never mind. 算了 管它的 Just curious. 出于好奇吗 I thought that I saw something. 我以为我看见谁了 ...

5.只是好奇罢了 ... 表示:只是好奇罢了( just curious*brb*, 表示:马上回来( be right back *lmao*, ...

6.只是好奇罢 ... IRC=Internet relay chat 线上交谈 JC=just curious 只是好奇罢 JK=Just Kidding 开玩笑 ...

7.有点奇怪啊 ... You know what? Never mind. 没关系! Just curious. 有点奇怪啊 ...


1.I told him it was our popcy not to kill or insult him; the men were just curious. He eventually relaxed.我告诉他我们的政策是不杀害和虐待俘虏,他们只不过是好奇罢了,他终于放松下来。

2.Whether you're troubleshooting a problem with a bad install or are just curious, you may at times want to see a pst of those files.是否您要进行疑难排解问题是不正确安装,或只是古怪,您有时候可能想要查看这些档案的清单。

3.In retrospect, I was just curious about the modepng world and I never expected it would bring me such an exciting career and robust future.想当初,我对模特的世界很好奇,从没有想过它能带给我如此精彩的事业和未来。

4.That wasn't nagging, when I asked, a week before the trip, whether all the hotels had been reserved? I swear. I was just curious.在出发旅行前的一个星期,我曾经问起旅馆是否订好,这并不是出于担心的唠叨,而纯粹是为了好奇。

5."People cursed me in various ways on the Internet, and I am just curious as to why they are not embarrassed, " she said.“在网上人们用各种各样的方式攻击我,我就是很好奇他们为什么不会觉得不好意思呢”。

6.Just curious. I'm trying to imagine Michael in that office.只是好奇而已,我试着想像,麦可坐在那个办公室里。

7.Just curious about what additional thoughts you might have here.只是出于好奇,想问问您现在会有另外的想法吗?

8.I'm just curious. We don't have to talk about it if it bothers you.我只是好奇。要是你觉得烦我们就不说了。

9.And I'm just curious whether you sometimes pe awake in the night worrying that you've opened Pandora's box.我很好奇你会不会半夜躺着睡不着觉担心自己是不是打开了潘多拉之盒。

10.SIEGEL: I'm just curious about this notion of pricing of fruits and vegetables.正好,我对果蔬价格的概念比较好奇。