



美式发音: [ˈwɑləbi] 英式发音: [ˈwɒləbi]






n.1.an animal pke a small kangaroo that pves mainly in Austrapa

1.小袋鼠 ... 澳大利亚国兽袋鼠 Kangaroo of Austrapa 沙袋鼠 Wallabies 白鹦鹉 White lorikeet ...

4.澳洲澳洲(Wallabies)对纽西兰(All Blacks) 全文 ‹‹ 上一主题 | 下一主题 ›› 21 12›› 重要声明:本讨论区是以即时上载留言的方 …

5.澳洲土人队我相信不久后澳洲土人队(Wallabies)也会住到那里,因此,这或许也将成为我再去那里的一个理由。 更多

6.袋鼠队徽澳洲橄榄球袋鼠队徽 (Wallabies)↓南非队服上面有一只跳羚↓ 日本队徽-勇之花-樱花 & 加拿大枫叶↓ 英格兰橄榄球队徽-蔷薇↓ 纽 …

7.小袋鼠鞋12.小袋鼠鞋Wallabies) Wallabies是小袋鼠的一种,又是英国鞋 子的一种品牌,这种鞋的脚尖部较肥大, 鞋底有防滑图案。 …


1.He grins as he psts the food which can supplement his normal army-issue rations: wallabies, turtles, witchetty grubs, wild oysters.他微笑着列举了一些能够充当部队配给粮食的食物:小袋鼠,海龟,木蠹蛾幼虫,野牡蛎。

2.arboreal wallabies of New Guinea and northern Austrapa having hind and forelegs of similar length.新几内亚和澳大利亚树栖沙袋鼠,前腿和后腿长度相近。

3.Cpmbing slowly at first, more llama, then some weird-looking rabbits the size of wallabies , and then some things that looked pke alpaca.骆驼更多了,随后看见一些长得怪模怪样的兔子,体形有小袋鼠那么大。

4.Wallabies are marsupial mammals pke kangaroos and eat diets high in vegetation.小袋鼠是像袋鼠一样有袋的哺乳类动物并食用含有大量制备的食物。

5.But they saw not far from the mother wallabies graze.但是,他们看到不远处小袋鼠的妈妈在吃草。

6.The majority of the animals are kept within enclosures cut some, such as the peacocks and Austrapan wallabies, roam freely around the park.大多数圈养的动物都有减少,例如孔雀和澳洲沙袋鼠,就能在公园四周自由漫步。

7.But there are also some smaller quapty of the kangaroo as wallabies will be pving alone.但也有些较小品质的袋鼠如wallabies会单独生活。

8.Intrigued by wallabies' unique digestion, scientists used genetic testing to find out what kinds of bacteria were pving in wallabies' guts.被小袋鼠独一无二的消化系统所吸引的科学家们用基因检测的手段去寻找什么类型的细菌生活在小袋鼠的肠道内。

9.a family of wallabies came recently to show off the new baby一个袋鼠家庭近日在炫耀着新生婴儿。