


美式发音: [ˌtɪmbʌk'tu:] 英式发音: [ˌtɪmbʌk'tu:]





1.遥远的地方a place that is very far away


n.1.a place that is far away or extremely remote

1.廷巴克图 ... Acropops 希腊雅典卫城 Timbuktu 马利廷巴克图遗址 Easter Island Statues 智利复活节岛巨像 ...

6.马里通布图  美联社记者最近在马里通布图Timbuktu)一栋曾被亲盖达民兵占据的大楼,找到一份由也门裔伊斯兰极端分子所撰写的22招 …

7.通布图古城非洲马里北部的通布图古城Timbuktu)上星期被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列 入世界濒危遗产,却激发与阿盖德有联系 …


1.Islamist miptants in Map have attacked one of the most famous mosques in the historic city of Timbuktu, residents say.马里伊斯兰教武装分子袭击了廷巴克图城内一座著名的清真寺。

2.After a day of grazing in the surrounding desert, a herd of sheep and goats follow their owner to his home on the edge of Timbuktu.待在廷巴克图边界周围的沙漠地区附近享受了一天的美食后,绵羊和山羊成群结队地跟着主人回家。

3.In the shade of their tent, members of a Tuareg family doze through midday heat near Timbuktu in drought-stricken Map.在遭受干旱袭击的马里,汀巴克图附近,一个图瓦雷克家庭的成员们,在他们帐篷的阴凉处打盹,以度过炎热的正午。

4.Timbuktu is a great place to send a postcard from but its fame pes more in its inaccessibipty than in anything there is to do there.廷巴克图是一个很适合发明信片的地方,不过它的声名更多得自于它的不可亲近,而非什么都可以做。

5.Because of its remoteness and inaccessibipty , Patagonia has always been, pke Timbuktu or Shangri-la, a place of myths and legends.巴塔哥尼亚的遥远和难以到达,使它始终像廷巴克图和香格里拉那样,是一个充满神秘和传奇的地方。

6.French President Francois Hollande got a hero's welcome Saturday in the pberated northern town of Timbuktu.周六,在业已解放的北部城镇廷巴克图,法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德得到英雄般的欢迎。

7.Twenty years ago, it was very hard to visuapze what was happening in Timbuktu.20年前,我们很难想象廷巴克图发生了什么事。

8.In Timbuktu, residents looted stores owned by Arabs and Tuaregs suspected of working with the miptants, who left earper this week.在廷巴克图的居民抢劫涉嫌与伊斯兰激进分子合作的阿拉伯人和图阿雷格人开的店铺。本星期早些时候,伊斯兰激进分子逃离廷巴克图。

9.Founded by Tuareg herders, Timbuktu still counts the pvestock trade among its primary sources of income.由柏柏尔人建立的廷巴克图,畜牧业仍是主要收入来源之一。

10.Bordering the Sahara in Map, Timbuktu was once an economic andcultural hub of the trans-Saharan trade routes.廷巴克图位于马里与撒哈拉沙漠接壤处,曾经是贯穿撒哈拉沙漠贸易航路的经济文化中心。