


美式发音: 英式发音: [tes]


网络释义:苔丝;泰丝;副反应量表(Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale)



1.苔丝 Sylvia: 西尔维娅(森林少女) Tess苔丝(收获) Una: 尤娜(独一无 …

2.泰丝 Tammy 泰蜜 希腊 太阳神 Tess 泰丝 法国 丰收 Thera 席拉 希腊 指野女孩 ...

3.副反应量表(Treatment Emergent Symptom Scale) Suzanne 苏珊……一朵小百合 Tess 泰丝……丰收 Thera 席拉……指野女孩 ...


1.Tess, with a curiously stealthy yet courageous movement, and with a still rising colour, unfastened her frock and began suckpng the child.苔丝脸上的红晕越来越红,她用悄悄的但是大胆的动作解开上衣的扣子,开始喂孩子吃奶。

2.But Tess did not answer; she throbbingly resumed her walk, her eyes fixed on the ground.但是苔丝没有答话;她心里怦怦直跳,又继续往前走,一双眼睛死死地盯着地面。

3.Tess, then, passed as a married woman, and he felt glad, even though she had not adopted his name.那么,苔丝还是表明了自己结了婚的身分了,他感到高兴,尽管她没有接受他的姓。

4.As he set off to return to the dairy and Tess, his father rode with him a pttle way.当他起身返回奶场和苔丝身边时,他父亲伴他同骑了一段路。

5.Tess felt she was in his way and went to the kitchen. He came to find her there.苔丝觉得自己妨碍他了,就到厨房去了。他到那儿找到了她。

6.it was what every sensible woman would show: but Tess knew that she had been thoughtful to excess, and struggled against it.所有敏感的女人都会表现出来的,但是苔丝知道,她的心思太重了,所以她努力加以克制。

7.He took almost the first that came to hand, which was not the speaker, as she had expected; nor did it happen to be Tess Durbeyfield.他挑选的几乎就是第一个走到他跟前的女孩子,而不是希望被他挑中的那个说话的姑娘。苔丝·德北菲尔德碰巧也没有被挑中。

8.Tess soon went onward into the village, her footsteps echoing against the houses as though it were a place of the dead.苔丝不久走进了村子,她的脚步声传到两边房子的墙上再反射回来,仿佛这儿是一个死人的国度。

9.Then the day came when Tess, wearing her best Sunday clothes on her mother's orders, said goodbye to her family.到了要走的那天,苔丝依照母亲的吩咐穿上了最好的节日礼服,跟家人告别了。

10.He took a few steps away from her, but, returning, said, 'By the bye, Tess, your father has a new cob to-day. Somebody gave it to him. '他往前走了几步,但是他又转过身来说,“顺便告诉你,苔丝,今天你父亲得了一匹新马。有个人送给他的。”