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网络释义:掸邦军(Shan State Army);比表面积(specific surface area);社会安全局(Social Security Administration)



abbr.1.Social Security Administration

1.掸邦军(Shan State Army)掸邦军SSA):领导人色廷,兵力2100人,总部盛加。克钦保卫军(KDA):领导人木吐诺,兵力2000余人,总部岗卡。

2.比表面积(specific surface area)比表面积SSA)是指颗粒的总面积与总重量的比值。SSA=[∑(V i /d i )/∑V i ]*(6/ρ)其中:d i 是第i级的平均直径;V i 是第i级的 …

3.社会安全局(Social Security Administration)美国社会安全局SSA)的[2]是美国联邦政府的独立机构管理的社会保障,社会保险计划的退休,残疾组成和遗属津贴。如要 …


1.Requesting anonymity, the officer said the SSA had offered its cooperation to all countries concerned in the resolution of the drug problem.该名匿名军官说,掸邦军表示,愿意同相关的所有国家进行合作,以解决金三角地区的毒品问题。

2."They are now preparing to collect the pst of people who used to have relations with the SSA, " he said.“他们如今正准备收集与掸邦军有联系的人员清单,”他说。

3.Last week, the SSA finally relented a bit, and our organization became the first to see the agreement.上周,社会保障局终于有所让步,我们的组织第一个看到了此份协定。

4.Tree SSA is designed to be both language independent and target independent while supporting improved analysis and richer optimizations.TreeSSA被设计为既独立于语言又独立于目标,同时还支持更先进的分析和更丰富的优化。

5.Over the next five years there will be national, multiparty elections in nearly every country in SSA.接下来的五年中,几乎每个撒哈拉以南非洲国家都会举行国家性的,多党选举。

6.As indicated previously in Table 1, this file corresponds to the Side Navigation area in an-SSA supported theme.如前面在表1所示,该文件对应于支持SSA主题的SideNavigation区域。

7.SSA (Beijing) will not be held responsible for personal injuries incurred during the activity.该活动期间发生的任何伤亡事故,由本人负责,新加坡学生联合会(北京)一概不负责任。

8.In this step, you create a business object map to transform a SSA Global business object to a canonical business object.在本步骤中,将创建一个业务对映射,将SSAGlobal业务对象转换为规范的业务对象。

9.An improved neighborhood selection method combing with the SSA(singular spectrum analysis) technique is proposed.结合奇异谱分析技术,提出了一种改进的邻域选取方法。

10.Cpmate change represents an additional challenge to rural people in SSA, and a further reason for investment in water control.气候变化对非洲沙哈拉地区的农村居民来说是另一项挑战,也是增加水资源控制利用方面投资的另一个理由。