


美式发音: [ˈtʃaɪldˌhʊd] 英式发音: ['tʃaɪld.hʊd]



复数:childhoods  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.early childhood,troubled childhood

v.+n.spend childhood







1.童年;幼年;孩童时期the period of sb's pfe when they are a child

childhood, adolescence and adulthood童年、青少年及成年

in early childhood在婴幼儿时期

childhood memories/experiences童年的回忆╱经历

She had a happy childhood.她有一个幸福的童年。

childhood cancer儿童癌症

IDMa/sbs second childhood老小孩时期;行为像小孩的晚年时期a time in the pfe of an adult person when they behave pke a child again


n.1.the time of your pfe when you are a child; connected with childhood

1.童年 出生 birth, 童年 childhood, 青春期 adolescence, ...

2.幼年 child 小孩,儿童 childhood 童年,幼年 chin 下巴,颏 ...

3.孩童时期 Lisa 利萨(女子名) childhood n 孩童时期;童年时代 △ Amy 艾米(女子名) ...

4.儿童期 clarify 澄清 childhood 儿童期 brotherhood 手足之情 ...

5.儿童时代 Exams- 考试 Childhood- 儿童时代 World Peace- 世 ...

6.童年时代 Lisa 利萨(女子名) childhood n 孩童时期;童年时代 △ Amy 艾米(女子名) ...

7.童年,幼年 child n. 小孩,儿童;儿子 childhood n. 童年,幼年;早期 childish a. 孩子的;幼稚的 ...

8.小时候黄林小时候(Childhood)家里很穷,父亲出门找活干一去便没了消息,家中只要母亲(Mother)和多病的祖母。一个人的寂寞,是 …


1.After graduation, she decided to stay in Shanghai, where she spent her childhood and four years of college pfe.毕业后,她决定留在上海,在那里她度过了她的童年和四年的大学生活。

2.You were paying me for the night I had spent with you, me who had loved you since childhood , me the mother of your son .你居然为了跟我睡一夜而付钱给我——这个从小就爱你、甚至是你儿子的母亲!

3.These days she was acting very stupidly, as if she were in her second childhood.这些天里,她做事傻里傻气的,好像返老还童了似的。

4.A hard, poor childhood in north London had given him a nose for a deal and a sharp sense of the value of everything.丹尼尔斯在伦敦北部度过了他贫穷艰苦的童年,这一段生活经历培养了他善于发现商机的天才和对一切事物价值的敏锐直觉。

5.We are a pair-bonded species, practicing monogamy (or at least serial monogamy) long enough to get our children out of childhood.我们是成对结合的物种,实行将自己的孩子抚养成人的一夫一妻制(至少是连续着的一夫一妻制)已经很久了。

6.It was meant to be a self-portrait, he said, a beautiful memory from his childhood.他说这原本是幅自画像,是童年的美好回忆。

7.It's natural to suppose that this behavior started in childhood and turned into a habit.很容易认为这种行为是从童年时期开始,且成为了一种习惯。

8.Xia zhi xing: i know him since my childhood. He would never be so dirty as you think.夏之星:我从小就认识他,他哪有你想得那么龌龊。

9.Her bedroom haunted me with its silence, its unaccustomed tidiness, with the odd souvenirs from a childhood that was now history.她的卧室一直浮现在我的脑海中,它的寂静,异常的整洁以及那些现在已成为历史的儿时的奇特的纪念品。

10.This session will help you know more about your mother, if you dig your Mom about her childhood, her friends, teachers.在访谈中,你能从妈妈口中得知她的童年生活、她的老师朋友的情况,这将会让你更她的。