


美式发音: [ˈsaɪdˌʃoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈsaɪdˌʃəʊ]






1.(游园会或马戏中穿插的)小节目,杂耍a separate small show or attraction at a fair or circus where you pay to see a performance or take part in a game

2.次要活动;附带事件an activity or event that is much less important than the main activity or event


n.1.something unimportant that takes your attention away from something more important that is happening at the same time2.an additional smaller entertainment at a fair, circus, etc.

1.杂耍 杂食〖 omnivorous〗 杂耍sideshow;vandeville〗 杂税〖 miscellaneouslevies;sundrytax〗 ...

2.穿插表演 sidereal 恒星的 sideshow 杂耍,穿插表演 siege 包围,围攻 ...

3.余兴 showroom, 陈列室 sideshow, 余兴,枝节问题,幻灯 affectation, 假装,模样,做作 ...

4.附属活动 rob: 抢劫 sideshow: 杂耍,附属活动 accuse: 责备,控告 ...

5.余兴节目 showroom, 陈列室 sideshow, 余兴,枝节问题,幻灯 affectation, 假装,模样,做作 ...

7.杂耍集  据说菲茨杰拉德开头给这本书取的名字是《杂耍集》(Sideshow),有学者对这题目作弗洛伊德式的分析,说这名字至少能说 …


1.Until recently, however, China was something of a sideshow for many financial professionals.可直到最近,中国在许多金融职业人士眼中仍是一个配角。

2.Well, at this point, Greece, where the crisis began, is no more than a grim sideshow.在这个时候,危机开始地希腊只不过是一出令人不快的穿插节目。

3.By the time of the next election, the hacking saga will probably seem more of a sideshow than a spde into national decadence.到下次大选时,窃听事件看上去更有可能是一场花絮,而不会发展为全国性的堕落。

4.The quarrel was just a sideshow compared with the subsequent decision on a divorce.与接下来的离婚决定相比,争吵只是一个前奏。

5.If you write a managed SideShow gadget using this assembly, you will have to ensure that this DLL gets on to the end user's machine.如果您使用此程序集编写托管SideShow小工具,必须确保将此DLL安装在最终用户的计算机上。

6.Jesper Koll, Japan director for Singapore-based Tantallon Capital, says Japanese financial companies "are a sideshow to what is going on. "新加坡TantallonCapital在日本的总裁JesperKoll表示,日本金融企业“只是整个正在发生的事件的小插曲”。

7.To help developers test their gadget code, the Windows Vista SDK ships with a SideShow Simulator apppcation.为了帮助开发人员测试其小工具代码,WindowsVistaSDK随附了一个SideShow模拟器应用程序。

8.Inflation was more of a sideshow than a driving force .这其中通货膨胀顶多算个配角,绝对不是主力。

9.For years, this software commons was no more than an obscure sideshow.许多年来,这些“平民阶层”软件不过是些不出名的小玩意儿。

10.At many companies, the annual meeting is a waste of time because exhibitionists turn it into a sideshow.在许多公司股东会只是浪费时间,因为大多流于形式。