




1.空斑形成试验 plants( 植物) plaque formation( 斑块形成) plasma( 等离子体) ...

3.空斑试验 ... ) Plaque Reductive Assay 空斑减数试验 ) plaque formation 空斑试验 ...

4.老年性瘢块之生成1.老年性瘢块之生成plaque formation)2.类淀粉之堆积(amyloid deposit)3.神经纤维之缠结(neurofibrillary tangles)4.粒 …


1.The smart money says that plaque formation triggers the disease, and that the tangles are a secondary effect.有关专家认为是这些斑块引发了疾病,而陶蛋白缠结则是一个次生性的效应。

2.Result Coronary artery plaque formation and angiostenosis can be clearly observed in MSCT coronary artery imaging.结果MSCT冠状动脉成像能清楚显示冠状动脉斑块形成及血管狭窄。

3.Objective: To investigate the relations between diabetes and carotid and vertebral atherosclerosis and plaque formation.目的:探讨糖尿病与颈动脉和椎动脉粥样硬化及斑块形成的关系。

4.The messenger molecule also epminates dangerous clots, lowers high blood pressure and reduces artery-clogging plaque formation.这个信号分子也能清除危险的血凝块,降低高血压和减少堵塞动脉的斑块形成。

5.Since then, some studies have reported that EPA and DHA could damp inflammation and arrythmias and reduce plaque formation in the arteries.自那时起,曾有研究指出EPA和DHA可以消炎、改善心率不齐及减少动脉中粥样斑块的形成。

6.This can result in dry mouth and increased plaque formation and gingivitis.这会导致口干并增加菌斑形成和牙龈炎。

7.Drinking black tea has been found to prevent dental plaque formation and to kill bacteria that infect teeth.喝红茶可以防止牙菌斑的形成,还可以杀死感染牙齿的细菌。

8.Dietary Black Rice Outer Layer Fraction Decreases Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation in Rabbits and Increased Antioxidative status膳食黑米皮抑制高脂诱导的家兔动脉粥样硬化形成及其机制的初步探讨

9.Effect of Black Rice Outlayer Fraction on Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation in Apoppoprotein E-deficient Mice and its Mechanism黑米皮抗载脂蛋白E基因缺陷小鼠动脉粥样硬化形成及机制

10.Dietary Black Rice Outlayer Fraction Inhibits Atherosclerotic Plaque Formation in apo E-deficient Mice膳食黑米皮抑制载脂蛋白E基因缺陷小鼠动脉粥样斑块的形成