




1.七分熟 ... medium-well1. 七至八分熟 medium-well done1. 适中偏熟的(牛排) ...

3.七成熟 the chef intended.):例如你要牛排七分熟(Medium-Well),但上来的却是全熟(Well-done),当然有权利要换,别相信服务生 …

6.七分熟牛排七分熟牛排Medium-well) :牛排内部主要为浅灰褐色,夹杂着少量的粉红 色,质感偏厚重,有咀嚼感。 全熟牛排(Well do…

7.七分熟度佐以浓郁香气的Gravy Sauce,搭配乾煎番茄片,丰富口感让人意犹未尽。主厨直接料理为最佳七分熟度(Medium-well)。


1.In, wanted to look for the medium well recently, Engpsh, moreover spoke Japanese, let her teach me.(内,最近想找媒介,英语好的,而且又会日语,让她教教我。)伊紫很自然的笑了笑。

2.In the meantime, to grow actively social organization and to develop the functions of pubpc medium well are also important.同时要积极培育和发展社会中介组织,充分发挥公众媒体的监督作用。

3.She pkes her steak medium well, but I prefer mine rare.她的要八分熟,我喜欢五分熟的。

4.Heat oil in a wok, deep-fry the crabs until medium-well cooked, remove.烧热一锅油,下蟹件炸至约七成熟即可取出。

5.Medium well: the steak still has a small amount of pink in the centre.牛排中心还有少部分粉红。

6.Berries are medium in size on medium, well-filled clusters.浆果是对中等中等大小,以及充满集群。

7.and some roast beef : rare , medium , well - done , and overdone.一些烤牛肉:生的,半熟的。全熟的,过熟的。

8.That's right. Not medium rate, but medium well.不错,不要三成熟,而是中等熟。

9.I'll try the porterhouse, medium-well.我想试试上等腰肉牛排,七分熟。

10.Oh, rare (medium, well-done), I think.哦,我要三分熟(五分熟,全熟)。