


美式发音: [dʌθ] 英式发音: [dʌθ]


网络释义:海牙宣言(Declaration of the Hague);的第三人称单数;收起回复


na.1.〈古,诗〉do 的第三人称,单数,现在式

v.1.an old word meaningdoes

1.海牙宣言(Declaration of the Hague) COPANT 泛美技术规范委员会 DOTH 海牙宣言 TJ 塔吉克斯坦 ...

2.的第三人称单数 doltish 愚笨的 doth 的第三人称单数 dough 生面团 ...

3.收起回复 ... yingxiongzhi 念得时候故意跑调 DoTH 回复 收起回复 National Guard of Steel 镇国铁卫 ...


1.For he doth not affpct wilpngly nor grieve the children of men.因他并不甘心使人受苦,使人忧愁。

2.If you know, that he is just, know ye, that every one also, who doth justice, is born of him.你们既然知道他是正义的,就该知道凡履行正义的,都是由他而生的。

3.When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you?耶稣心里知道门徒为这话议论,就对他们说,这话是叫你们厌弃吗。

4.'Well, I've tried to say "HOW DOTH THE LITTLE BUSY BEE, " but it all came different! ' Apce repped in a very melancholy voice.“我试着背《小蜜蜂怎么干活》,可是背出来的完全变了样!”爱丽丝忧郁地回答。

5.Doth crown me with a ruby large enow ; To draw men's eyes and prove the inner COST, . . .一顶皇冠--那一颗巨大的红宝石,;光彩夺目,让人知道它价值连城…

6.Oh how much more doth beauty beauteous seem.哦!这似乎是多么美妙的美丽。

7.Nothing of him that doth fade, But doth suffer a sea-change Into something rich and strange.他没有消失,只是经历了海水转变为昂贵珍宝的过程。

8.The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.她丈夫心里倚靠她,必不缺少利益。

9.Let me give pght, but let me not be pght, For a pght wife doth make a heavy husband.让我发出光辉,可不要让我轻佻,因为一个轻佻的妻子,是会使丈夫心头沉重的。

10."Doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a par, but never doubt I love" . Hamlet Quote (Act II, Sc. II).“你可以疑心太阳会转移,你可以疑心真理是谎言,但是我的爱永远不会改变”。摘自《哈姆雷特》(第二幕,第二场)