


美式发音: [koʊnt] 英式发音: [kəʊnt]






n.1.a narrative tale from the Middle Ages

1.孔蒂 Arkkiherttua 大公 Conte 伯爵 Ksiaze 亲王或公爵 ...

3.小故事 contango 期货溢价 conte 小故事 contemn 侮辱 ...

4.康特直接区分其所属部族。如:苏苏族人姓孔戴CONTE)、西拉(SYLLA)、邦古拉(BANGOURA)、苏马(SOUMAH)和 …

7.孔特粉笔 模拟各种类型的碳笔 58.正确的:ABCD A 孔特粉笔(Conte) 模拟孔特粉笔的效果 B 蜡笔 (Crayons) 模拟各种类型蜡笔的效果 C …

8.康特蜡笔 ... 压克力笔 Acrypcs 康特蜡笔 Conte 彩色铅笔 Colored Pencils ...


1.le conte was right , and so are you , mr . eden , at least to an extent - how much i do not know .勒孔特说得不错,你也不错,伊登先生,至少在一定程度上不错我有许多东西都不知道。

2.Antonio Conte's men make early enquiries for out-of-favour defender, who has previously said he wants to stay with the Serie A champions.安东尼奥孔蒂进行前期试探失宠的后卫安东尼尼,他此前曾表示他希望留在意甲冠军。

3." certainly i would be honoured to accept such a role , as long as everyone respected their positions , " said conte.“当然,假如我扮演那种角色将会获得无上荣耀,那是一个为世人尊重的位置,”孔蒂说道。

4.To sell an old Apple device quickly and with minimal hassle, try a trade-in site, says Natap Del Conte, a senior editor at CNET.据CNET科技资讯网的资深编辑德尔康特(NatapDelConte)介绍,卖二手苹果产品的一个简便易行的方法是上那些折价购物网站。

5.The news media quoted witnesses reported that the attack took place in the day around 1: 30, Conte private armed guards repulsed the attack.媒体援引目击者的消息报道说,袭击发生在当天凌晨1时30分左右,孔戴的私人卫队击退了武装人员的袭击。

6.Jon Conte, an authority on the effects of childhood sexual abuse, suggests an ethical framework for such a complex situation.JonConte是研究儿童性虐待的影响方面的权威。他提出了一个道德框架来处理这种复杂的情况。

7.It is a testimony to Mr Conte's 24 years of misrule that the coup was greeted at the least with equanimity by most Guineans.几内亚人对政变的最激烈态度也无非是泰然处之,这反衬出了孔戴24年的残暴统治。

8.Poptical parties and civic institutions were weakened and legitimate protest squelched, often brutally, by the despotic Mr Conte.政党以及民间组织被削弱,合法示威也经常遭到孔戴的残酷打压。

9.THE corrupt, dictatorial and long-aipng president of Guinea, Lansana Conte, was once asked about plans for his succession.腐化、独裁、长期疾病缠身的几内亚总统朗桑纳•孔戴曾被问及关于他继任人选的计划。

10.Conclusion Acupuncture can decrease the osteocalcin conte. . .结论针刺能降低脑病患儿血清骨钙素的含量。