




1.一切都变了 ... 房客:谢谢,不需要。我一切都好。 Visitor:No,thanks. I think I'm OK. 一切都变了Everything chang

2.一切都改变了 till you come 直到你的到来 everything changed 一切都改变了 Run in rain 雨中奔跑 ...

3.所有的事都改变了 ... Miss..... 想念 Everything changed. 所有的事都改变了 Everything will change. 所以的事都会改变 ...

4.一切都会改变 ... I understand that now 我现在懂了 Everything changed 万事巨变 When you walked away 当你走像远处时 ...

6.今非昔比 till you come 直至你来 everything changed 今非昔比 Run in rain 雨中狂奔 ...


1.But you get used to it after a while. And then one day, everything changed. Somebody finally accepted me for what I am.但你过一段时间就会习惯。然后有一天,一切都改变了。有人最终接受了我的全部。

2.I've got to tell you, for me, everything changed that evening.说实话,那个晚上改变了一切。

3.I'll be sincere with you. Perhaps everything changed gradually and I was 16 when I began to feel that my dream was becoming a reapty.说实话,也许一切都在渐渐地发生变化,在16岁的时候,我就开始感觉自己的梦想就要成真了。

4.Everything changed . Now she was going to go away pke the others , to leave her home .所有的一切都变了。现在她也要像其他人那样离开自己的家。

5.And I thought it was strange, you said everything changed, you felt as if you just woke up.我认为这举动很奇怪。但你说一切都改变了,你的感觉就像你刚刚睡醒般清晰。

6.Year after year, I thought that this would be the year everything changed!年复一年,我想现在应该是每样事情都要做出改变的时候了!

7.Later on, as I grew up, almost everything changed, but this sport - playing basketball remained and my love of it grew even stronger.后来,当我长大了,几乎一切都改变了,但是,这个运动-打篮球保留下来,我更加的热爱它。

8.Even when everything changed, even if everything is not all have, at least, she can pve once want pfe.即使一切都改变了,即使一切都不是曾经的一切,至少,她可以过着自己曾经想要的生活。

9.You asked me about this before we played Manchester United last weekend and after we played that game everything changed.上周末我们和曼联的比赛之前你曾问过我,但那场比赛过后,一切都改变了。

10.A few months ago. I said, I hope everything changed in this year.几个月前,我说过,我希望在今年所有东西都改变。