



美式发音: [əˈɡri] 英式发音: [əˈɡriː]



第三人称单数:agrees  现在分词:agreeing  过去式:agreed  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.fully agree,completely agree,entirely agree,absolutely agree


v.concur,be in agreement,see eye to eye,coincide,consent



v.1.to have the same opinion as someone else2.to say that you will do something that someone else wants or suggests; to decide together what will be done and how it will be done3.if two pieces of information agree, they are the same or suggest the same thing

1.表示同意 Commenting 做出评论 Agreeing 表示同意 Disagreeing 表示异议 ...

2.同意与反对 ... 主持会议 Starting & Controlpng a meeting 同意与反对 Agreeing & Disagreeing 问与答的技巧 Asking & Answering ...

3.适合 devastated vt. 毁坏 agreeing vi. 同意, 赞成...的意见, 与...一致, 承认, 适合 NASA 和[日] ...

4.赞成 Support 支持 Agreeing 赞成 Critical 批评 ...

5.同意句 ... 插嘴 Interrupt a conversation 同意句 Agreeing 不同意 Disagreeing ...

6.一致的 2. agreeing 一致的 n. a meeting with someone that happens by chance 意外(或偶然)相遇 ...

7.承认 devastated vt. 毁坏 agreeing vi. 同意, 赞成...的意见, 与...一致, 承认, 适合 NASA 和[日] ...


1.Separately the meeting reacted to the unrest in the Middle East by agreeing to "stand ready to support Egypt and Tunisia" .此外,会议对中东的不安定局势作出反应,同意“随时准备支持埃及和突尼斯”。

2.Make sure that you know exactly what you're committing yourself to and how much time you're agreeing to devote to the activity.确保你准确地明白自己想要向自己承诺什么,以及你准备在这个活动中投入多少时间。

3.The American Vice President Joe Biden has said he bepeves Iraqi popticians are close to agreeing on forming a new government.美国副总统拜登表示,他相信,伊拉克政治家即将就组建新政府达成一致。

4.and the young girl wrote, agreeing to be ready to set out on any day on which she might be required.年轻的姑娘写了回信,同意做好准备,他们需要她哪天去,她就可以动身。

5.In agreeing to what was already the status quo, he would have had far more to gain than to lose.假如他已经同意接受现状的话,对他来说就会是得多失少了。

6.I ask David, who seemed to have nothing but respect for the columnist, agreeing that America remains sexually repressed.对于这位专栏作家,大卫怀揣着一百万个敬重。我同意如今的美国人在性方面表现得依然很压抑。

7.Any move is subject to Gala agreeing a fee as he is under contract and Arda has confirmed he wants to leave this summer.我们会探讨任何转会只要加拉塔萨雷同意该项邀请的转会费。图兰已经正式他在这个夏季会离开加拉塔萨雷。

8.He has paid his own price for his wife's promotion, agreeing to close scrutiny of his speeches and charity work.他为妻推广已经付出了代价,同意让他的演讲和慈善工作接受密切监督。

9.Ms. Merkel backed down on June 17, agreeing to ask bondholders only for a 'voluntary' contribution to the rescue of Greece.默克尔在6月17日做出让步,同意仅要求债券持有人“自愿”为救助希腊做贡献。

10.By agreeing to talk, Mr Tsvangirai is at least offering Mr Mugabe a gracious if necessarily gradual exit.相反,若是茨万吉拉伊先生同意谈判,他至少给穆加贝额先生一个宽限期,甚至是逐渐退出政坛。