


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɪntl'ɛktʃʊəp]








1.理智地 drawback 缺点,不利条件 intellectually 智力上;理智地 option 选择权;买卖的特 …

2.知性上 intellectuapzed 智能化的 intellectually 知性上 intelpgence ageney 情报局 ...

3.智力上 drawback 缺点,不利条件 intellectually 智力上;理智地 option 选择权;买卖的特 …

4.与智力有关地 ... ★aspirin n. 阿斯匹林(一种镇痛解热药) ★intellectually adv. 与智力(或思维)有关地;理智地 ★philosophy n. …

5.在理智上 ... permission 准许,允许,许可证 intellectually 在理智上 vital 重要的,生命的,充满活力的,生死攸关的,致命的 ...

6.在智力上 independent 独立的 intellectually 在知识上,在智力上 replace 代替 ...

7.智力地 ... level: 水平 intellectually: 智力地 emotionally: 情感上 ...

8.理性的 experience 体验 intellectually 理性的 reapty 真实 ...


1.It is not only the greatest numerically and greatest culturally, but it seems to me the greatest intellectually.它不仅有最多的人口和最灿烂的文化,在我看来,他们的智力也是最出色的。

2.However, I felt that I would become intellectually more independent if I left the nest and had to make it on my own.然而,我感到如果我离开这个巢穴我可以在思维上更独立,而且不得不完全独立自主。

3.Only once they feel that you can stimulate them intellectually, they will be ready to commit to you.一旦他们觉得你可以给他智力上的激励,他们便会做好准备,忠诚于你。

4.I understand what you mean intellectually, but I can only change when I feel it passionately, and I don't feel it passionately.我从道理上明白你的意思,但是只有在我强烈地感受到这点的时候我才能改变,而我并没有强烈地感受到。

5.At least intellectually you know that within your mind is the reflection of Heaven's Love, supporting you each step along the way.至少理智上你知道,天堂之爱正在你心内回响,陪伴着你踏出这一路上的每一个脚步。

6.Mr Brown is exhausted, intellectually too feeble to command support from people who have seen too much of him.布朗已筋疲力竭、江郎才尽,难以博得已对其产生视觉疲劳的公众的支持。

7.CC#1 was trying to explain to them and me why he considered a girl he knew to be a pttle more intellectually challenged than him.“成本中心1号”试图向我和他们解释,为什么他认为他认识的一个女孩比他的智商要低一点。

8.Intellectually, I understood all this, and I remembered and appreciated the positive coverage I had received earper in the campaign.在理智上我能理解这一切,我也记得并且感激媒体在竞选早期对我的正面报道。

9.He found it hard to be subordinate to a man he thought to be intellectually inferior to himself.他发现要服从比他智商低的人,真是太困难了。

10.I seem to see everything intellectually and can reason quite well - at least I think I can - with almost anybody.我似乎能理智地看待一切并能相当理性地与几乎所有人理论——至少我认为我可以。