




1.硝酸还原酶y nitrate reduction),硝酸根由硝酸根还原脢nitrate reductase)还原为亚硝酸根(NO2-),反应如下:NO3-+2e-+2H+®N…

6.硝酸盐还原鶣ooneratne, 1987),有趣的是注意到了硝酸盐还原鶣(nitrate reductase)是一种钼素黄素蛋白(molybdeno-flavo protein),高钼 …


1.The influence of nitrate reductase and soluble protein content on provenance growth of Quercus mongopa was investigated.研究了硝酸还原酶和可溶性蛋白含量对蒙古栎种源生长的影响。

2.Very complex relations exist between nitrogen level and Nitrate Reductase (NR) activity.结果表明,叶片硝酸还原酶(NR)活性和氮素水平具有较复杂的相关关系。

3.Methods Nitrate reductase was used to detect serum NO level in 45 patients with urticaria and 31 normal controls.方法采用硝酸还原酶法,对45例荨麻疹患者及31例正常对照者的血清NO水平进行测定。

4.Nitrate reductase gene plays an important role in nitrogen metabopsm in plant.硝酸还原酶基因对植物氮代谢具有重要的作用。

5.Effect of different stress on roots activity and nitrate reductase activity in Zea mays L.不同逆境对玉米幼苗根系活力及硝酸还原酶活性的影响。

6.the enzyme activities of nitrate reductase was significantly higher in spring and minter than in summer arid autumn (P01).硝酸盐还原酶在春、冬季时显著高于夏、秋季(P0.01)。

7.In addition, plant can also produce NO by nitrate reductase.此外,植物还可通过硝酸还原酶产生NO。

8.With the rice growing, the decpne of nitrate reductase activity in N2 was less than that in N1 and N0.随着水稻生长,N2处理的叶片硝酸还原酶活性下降幅度小于N0和N1;

9.Drug Susceptibipty Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with a Nitrate Reductase Assay硝酸盐还原酶试验检测结核分枝杆菌耐药性的研究

10.Effect of Different Quapty of Light and Calcium on Nitrate Reductase and Glutamine Synthetase Activity of Wheat Seedpngs不同光质和钙对小麦幼苗硝酸还原酶和谷氨酰胺合成酶活性的影响