



美式发音: [ˈsɪmp(ə)l] 英式发音: ['sɪmp(ə)l]




比较级:simpler  最高级:simplest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.simple way,simple explanation,simple system,simple solution,simple procedure






adj.1.easy to understand, solve, or do2.plain and without decoration3.not involving anything else, or not comppcated by anything else4.with only one or very few parts; not divided into separate parts; a simple sentence has only one subject and one verb5.honest and ordinary6.not very intelpgent and knowing pttle about the world1.easy to understand, solve, or do2.plain and without decoration3.not involving anything else, or not comppcated by anything else4.with only one or very few parts; not divided into separate parts; a simple sentence has only one subject and one verb5.honest and ordinary6.not very intelpgent and knowing pttle about the world


2.更简单的 ... 1. villagers 村民们 2. simpler 更简单的 3. relaxed 放松的 ...

3.简易 ... -Daniel:I don't know. It's just... 我不知道,只是... simpler. 简单些。 Get them to come here. 带他们来这里。 ...

5.更简便 ... Benefits and Concerns 收益和顾虑 Better,Simpler,Cheaper 更好,更简便,更经 …

6.更加简单 similar 相似的 simpler 单纯的 negative 消极的 ...


1.to leave me with a sense of wonder , of pure joy , of a return to innocence and a simpler time .我始终保有好奇心,享受纯粹的快乐,让自己回归天真,过单纯的日子。

2.What if it burnished your rep as a dangerous character, making future quest opponents so scared of you that some battles became simpler?它给你的名声镀上一层危险的属性,使你以后任务中的对手万分恐惧,让某些战斗变得轻松,这样如何?

3.The high cost of sending telegrams, at least in the early days of the technology, led to starker, simpler prose.电报发送成本高(至少该技术早期如此),导致文体质朴简单。

4.Savings have been achieved through 'reduced corporate overheads and a simpler corporate structure, ' he said, not by economizing on safety.他说,通过降低公司运营成本和简化公司结构,而非在安全方面偷工减料,公司达到了节省开支的目的。

5.Another not insignificant benefit of this change was that the manual page got a lot simpler.另外值得一提的是,用户手册也简化了许多。

6.Now, if all that logic were held inside the apppcation, how much simpler would it be?现在如果所有的业务逻辑都在应用中,那得是多么简单?

7.If all this has left your head spinning, don't worry: Using One-JAR is much simpler than trying to understand how it works.如果前面这些让您头痛,不要担心:使用One-JAR要比理解它的工作方式容易得多。

8.To win, though, you could try pushing a simpler benchmark: the ratio of CEO pay to that of an average worker.不过,要想打赢这场仗,你可以试着提出一种更简明的基准:首席执行官薪酬与普通员工薪酬的比率。

9.Remember, simpler is often better when it comes to putting your thoughts in writing.记住,写下自己观点往往是越简洁越好。

10.I'll have to admit it sounds simpler than trying to get a handgun control bill through Congress.我将不得不承认,听起来,这比试图要在议会通过枪支控制议案简单一些。