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网络释义:肠系膜淋巴结(Mesenteric Lymph Node);肠系膜淋巴结(mesenteric lymph nodes)



1.肠系膜淋巴结(Mesenteric Lymph Node)nd the spleen, pver and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) were removed asepti- cally.


1.Having more than one database-partitioned server on the same machine is known as a multiple logical nodes (MLN) configuration.将同一机器上有不止一个分区数据库服务器称作多逻辑节点(MLN)配置。

2.Use the db2ncrt command to add database-partitioned server nodes (a logical node) on your instance to create an MLN configuration.可使用db2ncrt命令在实例上添加分区数据库服务器节点(逻辑节点)来创建MLN配置。

3.Therefore, the total economic effect from these cost-cutting measures in Q1 amounted to USD 554 mln.因此,总的这些削减成本的措施,第一季度经济影响达554亿美元。

4.NEC, now sells yearly cell IS for the sum of approximately 625 mln.NEC公司,现在每年销售的细胞是为一笔约625万。

5.China to invest $288 mln in road projects in Benin .中国政府投资2.88亿美元用于贝宁铁路建设。

6.Economic effect from cost reduction measures was USD554 mln in Q1.经济从降低成本措施的效果是USD554万第一季度。

7.3 mln people short of drinking water.干旱造成3百万人饮用水缺乏。

8.Our March- and June-quarter iPad estimates call for 5. 25 mln and 8. 5 mln shipments, respectively.我们预计在3月份和6月份那两个季度,iPad的发货量将分别为525万部和850万部。

9.8 mln abortions every year in China .中国每年有八百万妇女进行流产手术。