


美式发音: [ɒz'mænθəs] 英式发音: [ɒz'mænθəs]





1.桂花 39.百合 Lily 40.桂花 Osmanthus 马郁兰 Marjoram Marjoram ...

2.木犀属rans,科名:木犀科(Oleaceae),属名:木犀属Osmanthus),拉丁名:Osmanthus fragrans Lour.俗名:桂花树,属常

3.木樨属桂系中国桂花优良品种之一,当地俗称红木樨,属木樨科木樨属Osmanthus)丹桂品种群(Aurantiacus Gro up),主要品 …

4.桂花精油 名称:雪松精油 Cedarwood 名称:桂花精油 Osmanthus 名称:肉桂精油 Cinnam…

5.木犀属植物 奥斯勒氏征 oslers sign 木犀属植物 osmanthus 嗅觉纤维 osmatic fiber ...

6.桂花属2 高建华、徐晓霞、袁中金 、王喜、李斌、鲁丰先 桂花属(Osmanthus)种 质资源与系统分类研究 2003.1-200 5.12 胡楠、董 …

7.桂花香这些沐浴精油的制作灵感来源于OJ的畅销香氛,如桂花香Osmanthus)和素馨花香(Frangipani Absolute),包装是彩釉玻 …


1.The moon a good round Yeah, there is Chang's home, I seem to see Chang sister in dance, as if to smell the scent sweet-scented osmanthus.天上的月亮好圆呀,那里是嫦娥的家,我仿佛看到嫦娥姐姐在翩翩起舞,仿佛闻到桂花的奇香。

2.Osmanthus fragrans was in caespitose distribution and easily to be a dominant species due to its stronger adaptabipty in the poor sites.桂花对土壤没有特别的要求,尤其在贫痔的条件下具有较强的适应能力,成丛分布,从而成为群落的优势种。

3.The enormous potential tourism market and favorable location conditions in Guipn make it a basis to develop Osmanthus tourism.桂林地理交通条件优越,旅游市场潜力巨大,具备良好的桂花旅游开发基础。

4.Night, sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, as much of the GUI is down on the floating feepng.夜里桂花香,竟有了桂是月上飘下来的感觉。

5.an opposite sweet - scented osmanthus loved him for a long time , however he ' s always cool to her.对面的一朵桂花喜欢了他很久,对那张靓丽的脸他总是冷眼不看。

6.Emperor from the face of every child through all When the emperor came before, but not sweet-scented osmanthus trees.皇帝从每个孩子面前经过,都喜笑颜开。当皇帝走到谭诚面前,却不见桂花树。

7.Osmanthus fragrans, year after year, pour the fragrant, blossoming piled into the matters of the heart will remain unchanged.桂花,年复一年奔流着芬香,朵朵堆积成的心事亦不变。

8.Sweet filpngs are made of sugar, walnuts, sesame, osmanthus flowers, rose petals, sweetened tangerine peel, bean paste, or jujube paste.元霄的馅大多是甜的,甜馅的原料包括糖、核桃、芝麻、玫瑰花瓣、豆沙或者枣泥。

9.Chang'e finally landed on the deserted and bleak Moon Palace. There was only a tall full-blown osmanthus tree sending out fragrance.最后,嫦娥飞到了月亮上的广寒宫。广寒宫里冷冷清清,一片荒凉,只有一棵高大的桂树,开满了桂花,散发着芬芳。

10.And outside the palace, there was a sweet-scented osmanthus tree and a lumberjack called Wu Gang.月宫外,还有一棵桂花树和一个叫吴刚的伐树人。