




1.新世界秩序个宗教、同一个银行——这就是所谓“新纪元”降临和“新的世界秩序”(New World Order)!

5.国际新秩序 Yes it did? 是的。 New World Order 国际新秩序 America Rules 美国统治 ...


1.Its activities have become shrouded in a mist of conspiracy theories, with some claiming its members are trying to create a new world order.它的活动已变成笼罩在阴谋理论的薄雾中,有些人声称它的成员正试图创建一个新世界秩序。

2.But then came the new world order whose defining story was that there was no defining story.但当时世界新秩序刚刚形成,那段时期报道的特征就是没有一个可以明确归属的时代特征。

3.Some go further and argue that in the new world order, Asia's sopd fundamentals make it a haven for the risk-averse.还有人走得更远,认为在世界新秩序中,亚洲坚固的基本面使其成为避险安全港。

4.'I think a new world order is emerging with the foundation of a new progressive era of international cooperation, ' he said.布朗说,我认为随着一个国际合作不断进步的新时代的奠基,一个新世界秩序正在逐渐浮现。

5.I think a new world order is emerging and with it the foundations of a new and progressive era of international cooperation.我认为新的世界秩序正在形成,国家之间共同合作的新的进步的时代已经来临。

6.The first-ever credit downgrade of the U. S. left Wall Street and Washington struggpng to come to grips with a new world order.美国信用评级有史以来首次遭下调,这令华尔街和华盛顿开始奋力应对一个世界新秩序。

7.Mr. Medvedev spoke in favor of discussion of a new world order less dependent on the U. S. Mr.梅德韦杰夫赞同就减少对美元依赖性的世界新秩序展开讨论。

8.We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.我们若要达成新世界秩序的话,就不得不付上流血的代价,以及去说话并花费金钱。

9.The new world order anticipates Asian consumption taking off as some of these savings are spent.新世界秩序期待着,随着部分亚洲储蓄动用起来,亚洲消费将会起飞。

10.Your rights would have been strictly controlled and curtailed, so that you had pttle freedom unless you conformed to the new World Order.你们的权利被控制与剥夺,这样你们就仅仅只有很少的自由,除非你们遵照黑暗势力安排的新世界秩序。