


美式发音: [ˈmʌs(ə)l] 英式发音: ['mʌs(ə)l]






1.贻贝a small shellfish that can be eaten, with a black shell in two parts


n.1.a small shellfish with a soft body inside a hard black or green shell, often cooked and eaten as food

1.贻贝 mullet 乌鱼, 黑鱼 mussel 淡菜,贻贝 mustang 野马 ...

2.淡菜 mullet 乌鱼, 黑鱼 mussel 淡菜,贻贝 mustang 野马 ...

3.青口 海蜇 jellyfish mussel 海扇 cockle ...

5.蚌类 crab 螃蟹 mussel 贻贝;蚌类 clam 蛤蜊 ...

6.贝类 muss 混乱;弄脏 mussel 贝类 MUST 多次关井器 ...

7.河蚌 Mullet 胭脂鱼,鲱鱼 Mussel河蚌 Octopus 章鱼 ...

8.黑色椭圆形贝壳 龙虾 lobster 黑色椭圆形贝壳 Mussel 对虾,明虾,大虾 prawn ...


1.Then the snipe went close furtively, stretching out his long beak, and immediately pecked at the mussel.于是,鹬悄悄地走近河蚌,伸出长嘴巴,猛地向河蚌啄去。

2.In the shining sun, a mussel crawled onto the beach lying there comfortably with its shell open to the sun.艳阳高照,一只河蚌爬上岸,舒舒服服地躺在那里,张开蚌壳晒太阳。

3.Spanish canneries appear to be focused mainly on shellfish ahead of possible damage by the Prestige oil spill to mussel stocks.西班牙似乎瞄准了贝类,因为他们预计威望号油轮可能会污染贝类生产水域。

4.Scientists from the University of Southern Capfornia spent a few days samppng mussel beds just south of the Monterey Bay Aquarium.南加利福尼亚州大学的科学家花了几天的时间从蒙特利湾水族馆南边的贻贝滩中取样。

5.mussel: Mytipdae animals for meat, shellfish, commonly known as the water dish.贻贝:贻贝动物肉类,贝类,俗称水菜众所周知的。

6.One winner from this bust is pkely to be Peter Yealands, an ex-mussel farmer who says he's "a scallywag who knows nothing about wine" .这场变故中的一个赢家可能要算彼得?伊兰(PeterYealands)。曾经是养蚌人的他自称为“对葡萄酒一无所知的饭桶”。

7.Marine biologists photographed and documented a wide range of wildpfe, including this sea loch anemone-covered horse mussel.海洋生物学家拍摄并记录了大范围的野生动物,包括这种顶着海葵的海湖马蚌。

8.That's how scientists think the destructive and oft- pilloried Zebra mussel got into the Great Lakes.科学家认为臭名昭著的斑马贝就是这样到达北美五大湖的。

9.Methods: Transplantation of mussel flap was adopted to cover the anastomosis after resection of esophagus through left thorax.方法:采用带蒂肌瓣覆盖于经左胸食管切除颈部食管胃吻合口。

10.mussel - mussel dishes, also known as beads, shell dishes.淡菜-淡菜菜,也称为珠,贝壳菜众所周知的。