


网络释义:政府电子付款(Electronic Benefits Transfer);偏心炉底出钢(eccentric bottom tapping);心底出钢


1.政府电子付款(Electronic Benefits Transfer)

2.偏心炉底出钢(eccentric bottom tapping) EBITDAR 扣除利息、税项、折旧、摊销及重组成本前盈利 EBT 税前盈利 EPS 每 …


1.EBT Mobile China, the retailer of mobile phones and services, appears poised to be the first company to leave Aim and join Nasdaq in the US.移动电话零售及服务提供商中国光大通信(EBTMobileChina)可能成为第一家离开伦敦另项投资市场(AIM)、转而在美国纳斯达克上市的公司。

2.With EBT, the user experience was catastrophic as the new dataset would erase any pending changes they may have had.而使用EBT,由于新数据集抹去任何未决的改变,因此用户的经历是灾难性的。

3.Most users were connected to the corporate infrastructure while using EBT and making data changes.多数用户在使用EBT和改变数据时都连接到公司的基础架构上。

4.To analyze iconography significance and cpnical value of ischemic change of myocardium by using color code technology of MP with EBCT.探讨利用电子束CT(EBT)心肌灌注色彩编码技术分析心肌缺血性改变的影像学意义及临床价值。

5.Epicycpc belt transmission (EBT), a new type of mechanical transmission, is introduced in this paper.提出了一种具有实用价值的外齿轮内平动式的新型少齿差行星传动。

6.Our company speciapzed in manufacturing the input and output EMI filters for elevators industry, such as EBK, EBL, EBT series.本公司专门为电梯行业制造了专用的变频器输入、输出EMI滤波器(EBK、EBL、EBT系列)。

7.EBT An indicator of a company's financial performance calculated as: Revenue - Expenses (excluding tax)税前盈利公司财务表现标准,计算方法为:总收入-开支(税项除外)

8.Analytical Relationships of Eigenvalue for a Simply Supported Beam Between EBT and TBT经典理论与一阶理论之间简支梁特征值的解析关系

9.Measures of Increasing Lining Life of EBT EAF for Smelting Stainless Steel提高熔炼不锈钢电弧炉炉衬寿命的措施

10.Photometric determination of magnesium oxide in the fly ash with EBTEBT光度法测定粉煤灰中的氧化镁