

inundate:[英 [ˈɪnʌndeɪt] 美 [ˈɪnʌnˌdet, ˈɪnən-] ]


过去式:inundated;   过去分词:inundated;   现在分词:inundating;

inundate 基本解释

及物动词淹没; 泛滥; (洪水般的)扑来; 使充满


inundate 相关例句


1. The company office was inundated with telegrams of congratulations on the tenth anniversary of its foundation.


inundate 网络解释


1. 淹没:飞来飞去真休闲(fallow)嘴唇可修剪(clip),离开可分裂(cleave),圆木可阻碍(clog),可变多阻塞(clot)坐那约会要安定(sedate),蚂蚁约会要提前(antedate),男生约会下命令(mandate),里面否定才淹没(inundate)家里有罐子(jar),

2. inundate的意思

2. 水淹:hurricane 飓风 | inundate 水淹 | jetty 防波堤

3. 泛滥:intussusception 肠套叠 | inundate 泛滥 | inundation 淹水

4. 淹没;使充满:intrigue激起兴趣;密谋;策划阴谋 | inundate淹没;使充满 | infiltrate渗入,通过,透过

inundate 双语例句

1. inundate的反义词

1. Not maintain a large number of dry and clean water rinse, to avoid long-term inundate partial floors.


2. Oftware Description: About Superior Search 2005, The flood of data continues to inundate us, urgently needed information is often hard to find, and that costs time, nerves and money.

uperior Search 2005 洪水般是数据持续不断地淹没着我们,迫切需要的信息通常很难找到,同时浪费了时间,耐性和金钱。

3. A makeshift levee failed in Winfield, Missouri allowing the Mississippi River to inundate the town.


4. To overrun with water; inundate.


5. inundate

5. Moreover, attentions must be paid to the tributary with slight slope bed, because the water flowing into the tributary from the main channel during the uprising period of main channel flood may cause large-scale inundate in the tributary basin.


6. inundate什么意思

6. In the bright moonlight fog illuminates the human, the sentiment innate alone clock, had the special feelings, has engraved the life brand mark, is the most beautiful heart experience, the rejection desire without limits life, wants that kind to be calm and to be calm, favors the shame not startled, sits the courtyard, to look that before idly the flower blossoms falls the remove or retain to have no intention, to inundate the cloud woolpack extends along with the day outside, vague can actually give the human the daydream infinite space, this should be the how beautiful life.


7. inundate的近义词

7. In many people, this leads to a heightened endogenic defense capacity against those toxic influences and environmental stresses which inundate us from many sides.


8. inundate的意思

8. Behold, He restrains the waters, and they dry up; And He sends them out, and they inundate the earth.


9. By deducing and analyzing on the laboratory testing results of vegetation-growing concrete, the impact of cement content, age and inundate conditions on unconfined compression strength of vegetation-growing concrete are studied.


10. But floods occur in many other ways, heavy rains and thawing snowfall can overwhelm rivers, storm surges caused by hurricanes and tsunamis inundate the coastline, landslides and mudflows can displace large volumes of water.



11. This leads in many people to a heightened endogenic defense capacity against those toxic influences and environmental stresses which inundate us from many sides, resulting in the Invigoration of a damaged cellular metabolism, and the restoration and firming tip of one's well-being.


12. inundate的近义词

12. These are the very reasons I don`t inundate myself with News on TV, newspapers and any negative materials or negative thoughts.


13. Alarm about the fiscal cliff has spread across a swath of us business, the Federal Reserve said yesterday as President Barack Obama appealed to middle-class Americans to inundate Congress with demands to reach a budget deal.


14. I rigid seek in inundate on the road, that praise and immortal real love.


15. As many as 1, 000 soldiers and engineers are trying desperately to dig channels through the mud and rocks, using explosives and mechanical equipment airlifted to the site, to allow water to drain away without causing a catastrophic failure that could inundate more than 1m people living downstream.


16. inundate的解释

16. Deluge: To overrun with water; inundate.


17. I should inundate her with letters of recommendation!


18. inundate

18. Most wealth managers will not inundate you with performance and risk measures.


19. So please do not inundate the developer with e-mail's requesting support!


20. The major reasons for the inundate modern international terrorism are: wrangling over nationalities, religions and territories;


inundate 词典解释

1. (信件、要求、请求等)使应接不暇,使不胜负荷

If you say that you are inundated with things such as letters, demands, or requests, you are emphasizing that you receive so many of them that you cannot deal with them all.

e.g. Her office was inundated with requests for tickets...


e.g. They have inundated me with fan letters.


2. 淹没;泛滥

If an area of land is inundated, it becomes covered with water.

e.g. Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River.


inundate 单语例句inundate的翻译

1. Construction of the Three Gorges Project will inundate 632 sq km of land.

2. Meteorologists fear that such torrential rains could inundate the island more frequently in the future as a possible result of climate change.

3. Sea water threatens to inundate rice paddies in use since Spain was an Arab kingdom in the eighth century.

4. Every year floods inundate large areas of arable land and destroy millions of dollars worth of crops.

5. More rains would further inundate the river basins over the next two days.

6. If it bursts, the reservoir could inundate Golmud with water up to four meters deep.

7. And rising sea levels threaten to inundate the country's wealthy coastal cities, including Shanghai.

8. Floods from the Xijiang River in Guangxi overflow dikes and inundate Wuzhou city yesterday.

inundateinundate 英英释义


1. fill or cover completely, usually with water

Synonym: delugesubmerge

2. fill quickly beyond capacity

as with a liquid

e.g. the basement was inundated after the storm

The images flooded his mind

Synonym: delugefloodswamp