


美式发音: [ɪkˈskluʒ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪkˈskluːʒ(ə)n]



复数:exclusions  同义词反义词





1.[u]~ (of sb/sth) (from sth)排斥;排除在外the act of preventing sb/sth from entering a place or taking part in sth

He was disappointed with his exclusion from the England squad.他对自己没有入选英格兰队感到失望。

Exclusion of air creates a vacuum in the bottle.瓶子里的空气排除后就产生真空。

Memories of the past filled her mind to the exclusion of all else.她满脑子全是对过去的回忆,其他事情都不想了。

2.[c]不包括在内的人(或事物);被排除在外的人(或事物)a person or thing that is not included in sth

Check the pst of exclusions in the insurance popcy.检查一下保险单上的除外责任清单。

3.[u]~ (of sth)排除;认为不可能the act of deciding that sth is not possible

the exclusion of robbery as a motive排除抢劫动机

4.[u][c]开除学籍a situation in which a child is banned from attending school because of bad behaviour

the exclusion of disruptive students from school把捣蛋的学生开除出学校

Two exclusions from one school in the same week is unusual.一所学校在一周内就有两起开除学生的事是少有的。


n.1.a situation in which someone is depberately prevented from being involved in an activity or from entering a place2.something that is depberately not included3.a childs expulsion or suspension from school

1.排除 Classic Difference → 典型差值 Exclusion排除 Hue → 色相位 ...

2.排斥 exclude v. 排斥,排除 | exclusion n. 拒绝,排斥 imminent adj. 即将发生的,逼近的 ...

4.除外责任 17. 差值模式( Diference) 18. 排除模式( Exclusion) 19. 色相模式( Hue) ...

6.排除支付条款第九要了解医疗保险的排除支付条款(Exclusion)。 这是指在保险计划中,规定某些医疗费用项目不在保险支付范围之内,一般 …

7.排他性排他性(Exclusion):俱乐部就像一个无形的网,将会员与非会员隔离开来,表明会员与非会员的不同;排他性是俱乐部的特有 …


1.Additionally it has received minimal recognition because it is often seen as a diagnosis of exclusion.此外,已收到最少的承认,因为它往往被视为一种诊断排斥。

2.The government claims that the law will overcome centuries of exclusion, at last giving the children of the poor equal access to education.政府宣称这项法律将会克服几百年来的排外主义,最终给穷人的孩子们平等的受教育机会。

3.Don't look at it for a moment, we human indispensable to oxygen, the necessity of timely exclusion of carbon dioxide is rely on it to carry.别看它不大,我们人体需臾不可贫乏的氧气,必要及时排挤的二氧化碳都是靠它来运送的。

4.Highways are an intermediate case where exclusion is possible only at a significant cost, and thus should be avoided if possible.高速公路就是这样一种中间产品,它只有在付出相当成本后才能区分使用者,因此是需要尽量避免的。

5.It created new 'exclusion zones' that restrict companies from advertising close to its venues and hired agents to help enforce the zones.它开辟了新的“隔离区”,以限制这些企业在赛场附近打广告,并聘请代理机构帮忙在这些区域执法。

6.Focusing on any one of those things, to the exclusion of the others, can be a misleading guide to a market's potential.只关注这几点中的一点,而将其它点排除在外,对于市场的潜力来说可能会是一个误导。

7.How do I know how much space I am using for Directory Exclusion?如何知道我的目录排除使用多少空间?

8.A fundamental rule which must be obeyed in placing two or more electrons in the orbits of an atom is the exclusion principle.当两个或更多电子进入原子中的轨道时,必须遵循的基本规律是不相容原理。

9.Taiwan so far has reported no cases, but the years of exclusion from the WHO make it feel vulnerable.到目前为止,台湾报告无确诊病例,但是它排除在WHO之外的那些年里,很容易受到病毒传播。

10.Social exclusion is often at the root of the problem.社会排斥往往是问题的根源。